Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Examine How The Old Statistical Account Of Scotland (1791 And 1792) - 3850 Words

Examine How The Old Statistical Account Of Scotland (1791 And 1792) (Research Paper Sample) Content: TopicInstitutionNameIntroductionThe Scotland statistical accounts provide a critical reference point for Scotlands geography, society, values, and ideals. It explores and describes topics such as antiquities, population morals and ethics, natural history, agriculture and industrial production. The statistical account of Scotland referred as old or first was published from 1791-1792 by Sir John Sinclair. It reflects the accounts in a historical context. Sinclair describes it as the first effective Scotland geographical survey attempt (Sinclair, 1977).The old Statistical accounts of Scotland contained one hundred and sixty questions categorized in four sections. The each section dealt with a different issue like Geography and topography, industrial production and agriculture, population and lastly the miscellaneous questions. The survey was done by other nine hundred parish ministers and aimed as having improvement in the lives of the local people (Sinclair, 1971).Sir J ohn Sinclair was a member of parliament for Caithess and a lay member in Church of Scotland general assembly. He had a crime of passion and interest in estate improvements and this lead to him nicknamed the Agricultural Sir John. He made proposals to conduct a survey on parish to parish in May 1790 in Scotland. His main aim in the publication was to elucidate the political state and the Natural history of Scotland (Edina, 2001). It was statistical determined and focused on information and knowledge linking the state as the only political unit. Additionally, the state was as looked onto as the influence of human and natural history.The statistical account of Scotlands evidently reflects the values and ideals of the Scotland enlightenment that began in the year 1638 during tree planting time that began in Lebanon. The cedar tree of Lebanon city was first planted in Britain in 1638 and marked the enlightenment period that went on until 1834.The period though covered by political and hi storical activities, dates and facts also matter in marking the Scottish enlightenment values and ideals (Sinclair, 1977).The values and ideals reflected from the accounts are fundamental to the current Scottish enlightenment. The accounts period was mainly involved in idea generation that is the backbone of all philosophers. The reflections from the statistical accounts of Scotland can be tracked to the start of the Scottish enlightenment by the philosophers. Focusing on the values reflected from the old or first accounts of Scotland, it is important to recognize the involvement of painters, poets, economists, explorers, and historians. They were actively involved in generating ideas from the observation made from human and natural history as accounted in the first statistical account publishing (Sinclair, 1977).The current Scottish enlightenment influenced by science, arts, technology and education. These things were available in the past, but the old or first statistical accounts of Scottish began to shed light to enable people understand them. The current Scotland is well known on it religious basis. The bases can be traced back to the statistical accounts of the Scotland. It is also thought as the most challenging idea among the Scottish enlightenment ideas (Sinclair, 1971).Initially, people believed in supernatural things in Scotland. The philosophers assisted in creating the age of enlightenment which originated from the statistical accounts of Scotland. Early on in the seventeenth century, men such as Baruch Spinoza and Rene Descartes believed that all things should be interpreted using natural forces (Edina, 2001). Though, they believed and trusted in God, they never though God would at any one-time lead to individual events. Additional they never thought that the bible was the ultimate source of knowledge. They remained believing that every event would be explained without relying on bible knowledge or God as the cause. There believe now the current basis and influential of modern science. The natural forces and human history accounted for in the old statistical accounts is reflected in the scientific methods developed during the Scottish enlightenment. The reflection influences the idea that all things can be explained by conducting a proper investigation (Sinclair, 1977).In his publication, Sir John planned to involve all parish ministers to work on pre-planned question. According to him, the superiority achieved by the modern philosophers would only be traced back to the statistical accounts gained by his survey facts. All the values attributed in the Scottish enlightenment are pulled from the facts and ideas gained from the parish to parish a survey. The results are not only based from the actual observation but in-depth experiment and investigation during the surveys. Initially, the degree of pre-eminence and certainty was seen as incapable in the Scotland but followed the accounts the degrees are raised (Sinclair, 1971).T he Scotland enlightenment has a well-known knowledge on the both external and internal societal structure. The structures mainly look into the culture, the moral, religious and values attributed by each and every community. The survey conducted played a major role in sampling and studying the political disquisitions. This was achieved by analyzing and examining mankind real state. To achieve true and accurate facts on the real state of mankind, the ministers analyzed every event with anatomical minuteness and accuracy. This was done to enable understanding the facts and ideas behind the science of government.The statistical accounts are seen as scientific intent work that works as an eye for political anatomy and national social accountancy. It reflects the rational interests of the philosophers. Additionally, it has a remarkable manifestation and influence on Scottish enlightenment idealism at the workplace. Another important development seen in the Scotland enlightenment is the ch anges in the social structures. The ideas to change and make conducive and easy to follow society values were adopted from the facts and ideas gained from the statistical accounts. The accounts had studied the whole social aspect of the human kind and change would be an easy thing to implement as all the facts were known to the philosophers (Sinclair, 1977).The statistical accounts indicated that the social structure was mainly influenced by the community believes and behaviors. Initially, people practiced barter trade where they would exchange goods for goods. But as the enlightenment pulled in, money was introduced, and it dominated all the society lives. The introduction of money in the modern Scotland is traced from the earlier encounters of the exchange trade documented in the statistical accounts.Trade defined given community behavior and morals. Community value was also and attribute reflected from the initial statistical accounts of Scotland. For instance, during barter trad e, most of the population was living in woods. Introduction of trade using money lead to growth of bigger cities such as Glasgow. This made Scotland be recognized as a global importance from birth of industries and world-class cities such as Glasgow (Edina, 2001). People began having values and interest in trees, began living in country estates. Without the trade adopted from the statistical accounts Scottish enlightenment in terms of development would not have been possible. Trade led to emerging of new technologies in the already established estates (Sinclair, 1977).The agricultural skills and ideas adopted from Sir John promoted massive development in science and technology as agricultural production was concerned. The advancement in technology influenced growth of developmental industries in the agricultural sector. One thing to another by utilizing the actual knowledge adopted from the statistical accounts by Sir John, steam powered engines and locomotives enabled large product ion in the industries. People changed the livelihood that eventually influenced their behavior and morals due to the high rate of industrialization and increase of population in the urban centers (Sinclair, 1977).The statistical accounts also promoted the growth on nations such as Canada and the United Nations. Barter trade in the initial stages has enabled growth of monetary markets, production increased, and growth of new marketplaces to their products was a need. For instance, the Caribbean offered cheap source of raw materials to the already established industries. Value for humanity lowered and the slave trade emerged, almost all landowners in Scotland made development from the trade of slaves who would offer cheap or unpaid labor in the industries.Knowledge and ideas gained from the statistical accounts was used by traders to break through their old-fashioned life. They applied the ideas and wealth gained from trade in creating a countryside that had its values and rules to fo llow. The countryside indicated the actual sophistication and money owned by the people. The super-rich lived in these country estates that reflected the enlightenment of Scotland. Though all the credit is given to the ideas generated and adopted from the old statistical ideas and facts by sir John accounts in 1792.Trade introduced money, on the other hand, money influenced how the society thinks, behaves and acts. The society changed to fit in the current economies that were determined by goods and labor markets. The ideas and facts by Sir John are recognized in Scotland as the main influential factors for the development. On the other, Scotland was desperately in need of food in the early 1700.Agriculture was primitive and reliant on manual work. They had no knowledge nor resources to boost crop production or introduction of new crops. Many people suffered starvation during drought; landowners used the money they had in other nonpro...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Geographic Inequality in China Essay - 2475 Words

Geographic Inequality in China (Essay Sample) Content: AbstractFor someone to have a clear picture of how poverty and inequality circulate in the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most powerful and popular countries, they must have a clear image of the situation globally first. Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s future growth is the central achievement of the states government at a global level. Looking at how the country is venturing into the global business then a review of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s poverty and inequality is required to a wider debate on its globalization outcomes.In this research, the effect of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s economy on both poverty and inequality will be discussed. China being one of the most influential and progressive country in the world has been facing cases of poverty and inequality among the different classes of people. Due to the wide growth in the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s economy many people practically came up with the assumption that this would end up making the people in china more happy and rich than they used to and also have a st able economy which can sustain itself without asking for help from other countries or the World Bank. Due to the rapid growth in economy it is expected that many people ended up getting rich and with this the middle class emerged since they can not all fit on the super-rich class, however by this the advantages they get will eventually have to depreciate due to high competition on who will fill the middle class. However, since not all people get a chance to be billionaires or even be able to make it to the middle class than a creation of desperation between the poor and rich emerged.In over the last three decades, China has been affected by fast growth in both populations and economically. This rapid growth has played a major part in nurturing people to becoming wealthy, and it also minimized the number of people who are affected by poverty from 70% to 14% in 2004. On the other hand, this drastic change of events also created different kinds of desperations between the people. First , the income rate of people increased and this shifted the income inequality between rural and urban income gap and also affected the income of the people living on the middle class in urban areas and those living professionally in urban areas. Due to the rapid rise of economy there has been an increase in inequality other public sectors such as in schools and hospitals (David Dollar, 2007). Due to this the restriction of rural to urban migration has been seen to drop since in the urban there are few opportunities for the less qualified people from rural areas. Since many rich and middle class people all live in urban locations, the cost of living and property value in rural areas has drastically reduced and it has made it hard for anyone to sell land in rural areas of china.According to (David Dollar, 2007), China has come up with a decentralized system that looks up to the local government for funds that are related to basic health and education. This was influenced by the fact th at the poor could not be able to afford most of the basic need required and also they could not be able to afford the high cost of basic private needs and therefore the government had to come in and set a permanent solution to this problems. The funny thing about the widely grown economy in china is that it has increased to such an extent that it turned into being a problem for the government. This is because the use of machines has been growing rapidly in china and therefore made many people lose their jobs and by this the companies end up not having jobs for people rather than machines. In this case, the governments have no power to increase when it comes to increasing the amount of cash they invest on improving services and addressing racial or ethnic differences. Therefore the government had to come with a way to encourage movement, funding health for the poor, and supporting education for the needy and also shift the economy away from exports and investments and focus it to dom estic consumption and services offered to the public therefore taking care of social disparities.Economic reform and poverty reductionChina has so far maintained its growth rate for over three decades now since the beginning of its economic change in the late 1970à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s, in which this economic growth has triggered a high increase in average living standards. In this case it is important to begin with a brief review on how china started and how it affected its growth. Just like all other Asian countries China faced a growth transition, but compared to all other Asian countries Chinas growth is evident, and it stands out beyond all others. For instance from the years 1989-2004 the averaged capita per growth was about 8.9%, for India 4% and all other developing Asian countries apart from China 3%. The main question which people ask themselves is why has china suddenly emerged on top of all other Asian countries in terms of growth? This is a hard question since China stands out fr om the rest of the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s surrounding it and its influence in growth have been affected by many factors. However, I will highlight some of the major factors that lead to the drastic growth of china. First, as compared to it neighboring countries china a strong and established free trade which created growth opportunity for china. Second, china always had a strong base of human capital as compared to the neighboring countries. Third, as compared to the neighboring countries and all other Asian countries China had a free investment opportunity which lead to many people venturing into business.The size of the country geographically also influenced this rapid growth, since neighboring countries like Thailand also had open investment opportunities but since the country is small most people ended up fighting for resources and this radically minimized the growth rate in the country. By the late 1860à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s about 25% of the adults in china were literate and this played a b ig role in the growth since most people had the picture of what they should make their lives be in future. On the other hand, in south Asia in the late 1860à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s the literacy level of the adults was 5% of the population which was about the same as in Africa. On the other end of the world, the Latin Americans had a literacy level of about 17% in the late 1860à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s. The funny part is that by the year 1990, china was more or less the poorest among the countries surrounding it and to make the matter worse it was poorer than India, however, the number of educated and literate people was higher than of those other countries surrounding it (Lee, 2000).Many people say that the rapid growth of China has been an influence by private wealth, whereby many rich people tend to open their organizations and firms and through this investment the economy gets the boost it needs. According to the Global capital report GWR, in 2010 the property values that were accounted for were mostly i nvested on real assets per adult around china and this was the most used way of wealth creation in china however, they never came for free and everyone had a price to pay, more so those people who had to finance this projects with their savings money.The above chart is used to imply that even though the wealth per citizen in China was about $17,000 which is practically double that of other Asian growing countries, the median wealth was as low as $6,000. However, the table shows that there has been an equal distribution of wealth.Economic reform and increased inequalityThe economic growth in China is so rapid to such an extent that all household has had a change to benefit from the growth, and therefore slowly eradicating poverty in the country. However, this does not mean that all people have benefited in the same way, others have benefited to greater extents than others. This benefits are evident through inequality by different household incomes and consumptions of goods and also i n inequalities in basic social attainments such as education status and health status. The rise of inequality is an obvious outcome of market resources that have triggered a rapid growth. In other situations, the growth is triggered purposely in such a way that the government regulates frequency to a higher inequality other than making them more severe. However, increased inequality can be changed or even stopped by the change of some of this government policies.According to (Lewis, 1954), he wrote that "for a country to develop, there must be inegalitarian since it does not begin at every part of the economy very time it doesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . When compared to the vision Lewis had in mind, China has two methods that support his views on development. First, is the process of rural to urban migration and the eagerness of people going to return to schools to further their education, so that they can be able to fit to a higher social classes, therefore creating a good future for themselv es. I 1890à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s china being undeveloped it started with just a few highly educated individuals for its reforms, thereby using a small population of both people living in urban and rural areas, despite the differences in labor production in the two locations. However in the later China this changed and people started getting reforms and salaries according to their education status, unlike the older time where all jobs had the same amount of pay despite the education background of an individual.China introduced a system that they used to call the Hukou restriction on rural to urban migration. This system was used to separate people according to their education status and the amount of wealth one had. It restricted people from migrating from rural areas to urban areas, but the system has slowly been dying in the last three decade. This meant that people had to have registrations "Hukou" whether in rural or urban areas, and they could not be allowed to change their regi...