Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Current Event -Values, Attitudes & Perceptions Essay

Current Event -Values, Attitudes & Perceptions - Essay Example Current Event on Values, Attitudes & Perceptions: The Definition of Workplace Values Summary The article entitled The Definition of Workplace Values written by Juarez on January 18, 2011 and published by Demand Media, Inc. aimed to determine the factors that define values, attitudes and perceptions in the workplace. As initially averred, these factors are ultimately grounded from cultural orientations that have been specifically examined by Dr. Geert Hofstede who founded five specific patterns in cultural dimensions, to wit: power distance, individualism, gender, avoidance and traditions. Background The author based the contents of the article from Hofstede’s Cultures and Organizations that examined the five dimensions of culture, found to be instrumental in determining expressions and manifestations of values and attitudes in organizational setting. The author aimed to write a concise abstract of each dimension as applicable in the workplace. The study of organizational behav ior manifests the inclusion of diversity in culture to provide a more comprehensive understanding of why and how people behave the way they do. Findings The author clearly averred that â€Å"different cultures have different workplace values along five cultural dimensions, which help us define our own workplace values† (Juarez, 2011, par. 1).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Active Directory database Essay Example for Free

Active Directory database Essay Dover Leasing currently has information about all users stored in a database application used by the Human Resources Department. The IT manager has asked you to explore some ways this information could be used to create user accounts and populate the Active Directory database. Which tools could be used, and what are some issues involved in using these activates? Information about all users has been stored in a database application. On the basis of the available information from the Human Resource Department’s database, user accounts have to be created. The main tool for creating and proper managing the user accounts is Active Directory Users and Computers. There are few issues and concerns involved in this specific activity with this tool though the actions and steps are all very simple and straight. The foremost issue can be a problem to log in to the Windows sever and also the active directory network. Some problem can be due to the account locking issues. In many cases the interactive and user friendly way of user authentication process may be disrupted due to the setting problem. Incorrect user name and password, account disabled, logon hour restrictions, users issues with local login are some of the concerns which may happen for creating and maintenance of the user accounts. Case Project 7-2 The Dsadd Command is an effective way to create new user accounts from the command line. Write Dsadd statements to create the two users shown in the following chart. All user accounts should be created in the Users container in your DovercorpXX. local domain. Use Help and Support Center to determine the switches you need to configure these accounts from the command line. Dsadd user â€Å"cn= TRucci, cn= Users, dc=DovercorpXX, dc= local† –memberof â€Å" cn= Engineering,cn=users,dc= DovercorpXX, dc= local† Dsadd user â€Å"cn= APan, cn= Users, dc=DovercorpXX, dc= local† –memberof â€Å" cn= Management,cn=users,dc= DovercorpXX, dc= local† Case Project 7-3 Assume your Active Directory tree contains two domains named North and South. A domain controller named DCN located in the North domain has a folder named StrategicPlan that users in the North domain need to access. In addition, one manager from both the North and South domains needs to be able to manage data in the StrategicPlan folder. Describe how you would use domain local, global, and universal group scopes to grant access to the StrategicPlan folder. The administrator creates the North and South domain. A domain controller named DCN located in the North domain has a folder named StrategicPlan. The local, global and universal group scopes can be defined in the following way to grant access to the StrategicPlan folder. Create a global group StrategicPlan and add appropriate users to it to access the StrategicPlan folder or we can create an universal group called Universal StrategicPlan and can add the global groups which want access to it. If we want to create a local domain group then we can create one and give the required permission to access the folder.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Playground Payback - Original Essay -- Papers

Playground Payback - Original Essay In the far hills of North Carolina, there was a school called Blue Creek Elementary. It was half a century old, and you could definitely tell. The yellow stained walls of the classrooms had marks from play dough and crayon. The chalk board was cloudy with dust from a thousand words before. The smell of each room was basically the same, chalk clappers and weak tea, and the colour of autumn leaves was present throughout the year. It was January 2002. The climbing frame in the playground was rust incrusted, and the paint was crumbling off, but still was in use as if it was new everyday. No one child was dissatisfied with their school life, they could see nothing wrong with the way they were ruled, the rota they followed or the order they had come to be in for so many years. They were treated equally as each other, by the council they had elected. Every new school year in September there would be an election. Any volunteers would under go a number of campaigns to become the new king of the playground. For the last three years no one had been a match for King Rob. In the last year no one was even prepared to challenge Rob Jenkins, but it wasn’t because they were scared, no, quite the opposite. There was nothing wrong with the way he ruled them. He took care of them; he was their agony aunt to their problems, a King Solomon in his own day. He brought them new games, fought for new rights and changed the word recess itself. But all this was about to change, something, or someone was just around the corner. PJ, Felicity, Pikes, Jennie and Russ were playing kickball, a game Jennie ruled without a dou... ... the crowd a few seconds to mull over the information they had just been given, and then spoke once more, â€Å"So I ask you, are you regretful? Are you sorry? But most of all, do you want King Rob back?† the crowd gave no pause, just a dramatic, deafening â€Å"YES!† Prince (or Jack) was expelled from Blue Creek Elementary for stealing. He and his family moved to Alabama. King Rob was restored to his throne. The Jaimes were given luxuries to go in their clubhouse. The gang were labelled playground heroes, and Pikes was given an honorary stationary kit because of his bravery in City Hall. As for PJ, he was given the job of Royal Assistant. He monitored Jack’s movement in Alabama, and checked out any new kids. Blue Creek Elementary was back to where it started, but with more trust, guidance and hope for the future- High School.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Rights In Kuwait :: Human Rights Essays

Human Rights: Yet another commodity for the new society or a necessity? As one stands on the doorsteps of a new millennium, one can only imagine the future ahead. With the globalization movement making its way around the world, issues such as human rights are coming up, and are becoming international issues of concern rather than local ones. International organizations monitor governments and note the extent to which those governments adhere to and respect human rights. In the age of globalization, free trade between the nations of the world exists along with a sizeable transfer of knowledge and technology. And for one nation to succeed in that new environment it must have positive relations with others. For this good relation to evolve and develop, a nation must first address its inner issues of which human rights is a part of, for the human factor is prime in the globalization age that is based mainly on human-brain based industries. The Director of the Kuwait Information Office in Washington, in a lecture at Georgetown University, said, "The democratic process taking place in Kuwait is compatible with the Western definition of democracy, and it is clear when tracing country’s modern history that there is in fact a true democratic process presently sweeping the country." In 1948, the United Nations adopted the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" which included the minimum requirements that nations around the world must aim for to achieve and maintain man’s fundamental freedoms and rights. This included principles of equality without regard to race, color, sex, language, religion etc. in addition to the right to life, liberty and security. The Declaration was the platform on which all people should act. Any breach of its articles would put the breaching Nation under great pressure and criticism from its peers, who usually aim to correct the situation. Al-Ghabra added, "It has become increasingly difficult to maintain authortarian government in the modern era." By 1997, more that 116 nations had a president chosen by elections, up from only 39 nations in 1974. In the middle eastern nation of Kuwait, human rights have come a long way towards achieving a formidable status for the 38 years old nation has taken measures that surpass those taken by older nations. Kuwait’s constitution that dates back to the year 1962 ensured human rights in many of its articles. Kuwaiti Parliament member AbdulMohsen Jamal said that the constitution is a, " great achievement that has gained Kuwait the respect of the international community.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What is Microeconomics

In Incentives, Commitments, and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company study a wellness incentive program implemented at a large corporate headquarters office. Three groups of employees were given different types of financial incentives to visit the on-site fitness center, and their gym-going behavior was monitored for many months afterward. The incentives were that a set of employees received $10 per gym visit over 1 month. After the month was over then they were offered a 2 month contract to continue going with a little bit of a twist, to see the effect of it. How does a commitment contract work? The employee puts down a certain amount of money, they get to choose the amount. If they don't stick to their commitment, they lose the money. They need to be able to go to the gym every 2 weeks over the next 2 months. It is all about risk vs commitment. How much do you really want this, do you want to see personal growth in yourself, are you doing it just so you don't lose the money, it is all in your hands the way you decide to play it. Why would anyone want to take up this offer, the best possible result is breaking even? This was made to differentiate between your long-term preferences vs the short-term preferences. You may set a schedule saying I'm going Monday and Friday every week. You go Monday and you feel great after going and are excited to continue on Friday. You make it to Friday and you make plans with your friends instead of having your gym time. It was a long week so you want to have a good time. You should be able to reward yourself after a long week but do you think that you would feel even better and have a better time out if you went to the gym beforehand. With having this contract, say you know you haven't been to the gym in 13 days and you need to go tomorrow or you lose your money. That might push people to get to the gym, not just for the money but that specific trip could make them want to keep going back in the long run. So the best-case scenario for a commitment contract is not just breaking even: its changing behavior in a positive way. About 1 out of every 8 employees offered a chance to create a commitment contract decided to do it (Royer, Stehr, & Sydnor, 2015). Below are the results of the commitment contract subjects. It was shown that there was a spark in the gym visits more for the group who signed the contracts than when they were offered the $10 per visit. With the contract you are putting your own money on the line. You have something to lose if you don't hold up your end of the bargain. In the long run it is not about the money, it is about your lifestyle and goals. You have things you want to achieve and sometimes you just need a little nudge to get you going. After the 2 month commitment ended, it was wanted to be known the long term effects of the subjects. It was shown that they had noticeably more frequent gym visits on average. Main Hypothesis:Does linking incentives to fitness really help you get to the gym more?Why is it that after the free trial period ends that most of the memberships decline? Why do people not continue on? See no results? Have no incentives?Commitment devices (Fitbit/ Apple Watch) may be the best way to achieve long-term changes New Year's resolutions for most seem to be about Eating healthier, go to the gym more, and cut out sugar, most of health/Fitness related. Get statistics on the New Year's resolutions. How may are making this there resolution and how many actually keep this resolution. 45% of people said that there 2018 resolution was to lose weight/get in shape Fitbit (27.4 million users) and My Fitness Pal (19.1 million users) are 2 of the most used fitness trackers in 2018 Only 8% of people keep their resolutions. People tend to over set goals. When they are too big to reach, you tend to fail. You also don't want to under set your goals because you may be able to reach them too easily and not get the results out of them that you had really hoped. If you fail at your goal, that doesn't mean you should give up. You just have to reevaluate the goal. You want to get back out there achieve your goals. Ex. You said you wanted to go to the gym 4 days a week, but that was too much with your schedule, you shouldn't quit all together just go 2 days a week instead. Sources: Concepts: Everything is in the incentives, put it all out there.54864132751300Supply describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers (Something needed or wanted) available to someone. (Market driven)People want a membership, they want to achieve their fitness goals, and they want to be a better version of themselvesDemand consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.Cost of membership may increase as more member sign up In the study- they had to put up their own money, they were able to risk for their goals45720036575900 Cost – (of an object or an action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done. The money they had to put up, their time, their energy, their commitment Benefit -an advantage or profit gained from something. Better body, feel good about themselves, achieved goalsBottom line w.aspConcluding thoughts Reading articles, writing this essay has got me thinking about my fitness goals and lifestyle. I own a Fitbit and I do enjoy it but I need to get back to using it for all of its features and feeling proud of what I have accomplished in a day. You need to be persistent and have goals. You can't just decide one day to start working out. You need a plan and be physically and mentally ready to conquer the task you set up for yourself. You need an incentive first, that is what gets your foot in the door, and then you continue going because you want to better yourself. Once you start the drive to better body helps keep going back.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Titanosaurs - The Last of the Sauropods

Titanosaurs - The Last of the Sauropods By the beginning of the Cretaceous period, about 145 million years ago, gigantic, plant-eating dinosaurs like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus were on the evolutionary decline. However, this didnt mean that sauropods as a whole were destined for early extinction; an evolutionary offshoot of these huge, four-footed plant-eaters, known as titanosaurs, continued to prosper right up until the K/T Extinction 65 million years ago. The problem with titanosaursfrom a paleontologists point of viewis that their fossils tend to be scattered and incomplete, much more so than for any other family of dinosaurs. Very few articulated skeletons of titanosaurs have been discovered, and virtually no intact skulls, so reconstructing what these beasts looked like has necessitated a lot of guesswork. Fortunately, the close similarity of titanosaurs to their sauropod predecessors, their wide geographic distribution (titanosaur fossils have been discovered on every continent on earth, including Australia), and their huge diversity (as many as 100 separate genera) has made it possible to hazard some reasonable guesses. Titanosaur Characteristics As stated above, titanosaurs were very similar in build to the sauropods of the late Jurassic period: quadrupedal, long-necked and long-tailed, and tending toward enormous sizes (one of the biggest titanosaurs, Argentinosaurus, may have reached lengths of over 100 feet, though more typical genera like Saltasaurus were considerably smaller). What set titanosaurs apart from sauropods were some subtle anatomical differences involving their skulls and bones, and, most famously, their rudimentary armor: its believed that most, if not all, titanosaurs had tough, bony, but not very thick plates covering at least parts of their bodies. This last feature raises an interesting question: could it be that the sauropod predecessors of the titanosaurs perished at the end of the Jurassic period because their hatchlings and juveniles were preyed on by large theropods like Allosaurus? If so, the light armor of titanosaurs (even though it wasnt nearly as ornate or dangerous as the thick, knobby armor found on contemporaneous ankylosaurs) might have been the key evolutionary adaptation that allowed these gentle herbivores to survive tens of millions of years longer than they would have otherwise; on the other hand, some other factor may have been involved of which we are not yet aware. Titanosaur Habitats and Behavior Despite their limited fossil remains, titanosaurs were clearly some of the most successful dinosaurs ever to thunder across the earth. During the Cretaceous period, most other families of dinosaurs were restricted to certain geographic areasthe bone-headed  pachycephalosaurs of North America and Asia, for examplebut titanosaurs attained a worldwide distribution. There may, however, have been stretches of millions of years when titanosaurs were clustered on the southern supercontinent of Gondwana (which is where Gondwanatitan gets its name); more titanosaurs have been discovered in South America than on any other continent, including huge members of the breed like Bruhathkayosaurus and Futalognkosaurus. Paleontologists know as much about the everyday behavior of titanosaurs as they do about the everyday behavior of sauropods in generalwhich is to say, not a whole lot. Theres evidence that some titanosaurs may have roamed in herds of dozens or hundreds of adults and juveniles, and the discovery of scattered nesting grounds (complete with fossilized eggs) hints that females may have laid their 10 or 15 eggs at a time in groups, the better to protect their young. Theres still a lot thats being worked out, though, such as how quickly these dinosaurs grew and how, given their extreme sizes, they managed to mate with one another. Titanosaur Classification More so than with other types of dinosaurs, the classification of titanosaurs is a matter of ongoing dispute: some paleontologists think titanosaur isnt a very useful designation, and prefer to refer to smaller, anatomically similar, and more manageable groups like saltasauridae or nemegtosauridae. The doubtful status of the titanosaurs is best exemplified by their eponymous representative, Titanosaurus: over the years, Titanosaurus has become a kind of wastebasket genus to which poorly understood fossil remains have been assigned (meaning that many of the species attributed to this genus may not actually belong there). One final note about titanosaurs: whenever you read a headline claiming that the biggest ever dinosaur has been discovered in South America, take the news with a big grain of salt. The media tends to be especially credulous when it comes to the size and weight of dinosaurs, and the figures touted are often at the extreme end of the probability spectrum (if theyre not completely made up out of thin air). Practically every year witnesses the announcement of a new biggest titanosaur, and the claims usually dont match up with the evidence; sometimes the new titanosaur that has been announced turns out to be a specimen of an already-named genus!

Monday, October 21, 2019

My Antonia essays

My Antonia essays After good experiences pass by, it is natural for a human to feel as if though the pleasure from spending that time should have lasted longer. In the same way, Optima dies... prima fugit, is true for the life of Jim Burden also. Experiencing many of his good child hood times in the country, and thereafter being far away from there in Lincoln for college makes him feel that the jovial moments went by very quickly. Visiting familiar places where Jim spent good times produces memories of childhood delight. Jim Burdens mentality of reminiscing past events and dwelling upon them in deeper thought lends him to feel like the first days are the first to flee. Jim Burden is keen to reflect upon memorable moments of his past because of his poetic and pensive disposition. Jim often thinks of the prairies vividness when he describes the ocean of copper-red prairie grass, golden sunflower bordered roads, and the fierce sunlight drenching the blonde cornfields. His strong feelings are manifested for the prairies beauty when he says, The whole prairie was like the bush that burned with fire and was not consumed. That hour always had the exultation of victory. It was a sudden transfiguration, a lifting-up of day (22). Jims nature leads him to believe that he can never become a scholar because the excitement of thinking is quick to remind him of his cherished prairie land and the people who inhabited it (125). Jims is more reminded of moments like these of his friends when he goes off to college. In college, Jim thinks more of Black Hawk, the prairie, and all the people he knew. He would often reminisce about Antonia and others he knew and wished those fleeting times would come back again. For instance, he expresses the concept of Optima dies... prima fugit when he states, As I sat down to my book at last, my old dream about Lena coming across the harvest field in her short skirt see...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Dramatic Monologues by Greek Playwright Sophocles

7 Dramatic Monologues by Greek Playwright Sophocles Here is a collection of ancient yet profound dramatic speeches from The Oedipus Plays by Greek playwright Sophocles. Each dramatic monologue is ideal as a classical audition piece. Also, English students can use them as study resources for analyzing the characters. Antigone’s Defiant Monologue: This scene is a favorite from Antigone and is an excellent exercise for a young female performer. Antigone delivers this commanding speech, defying the laws of the king in order to follow her conscience. Shes a stubborn young woman, intent on civil disobedience in order to fulfill her family obligations and what she believes is a higher law of the gods. She will risk punishment rather than settle for a noble life without honoring her dead brother.Creon from Antigone:  At the beginning of the  play,  Creon sets up the conflict that will lead to Antigones defiance. His two nephews, Antigones brothers, died in a duel over the throne. Creon inherits the throne by default and gives one a hero’s funeral while determining the other was a traitor whose body should rot unburied. Antigone rebels against this and buries her brother, resulting in her punishment. Besides this monologue, there is another at the end of the play  that is also worth y. In the play’s finale, the antagonistic Creon realizes that his stubbornness has led to his family’s demise. That is an  intense, gut-wrenching monologue. The Chorus from Oedipus at Colonus: Greek Drama isn’t always dark and depressing. The Chorus monologue is a peaceful and poetic monologue describing the mythic beauty of Athens.Jocasta from Oedipus the King: Here, the mother/wife of Oedipus Rex offers some psychiatric advice. She tries to allay his anxiety over the prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother, unaware that both have already occurred. Freud must have loved this speech.Antigone’s End: Towards the end of her young life, Antigone contemplates her actions and her fate. She is sentenced to be walled up in a cave and die a slow death for her defiance of the kings edict. She maintains that she made the correct choice, yet she wonders why the gods have not yet intervened to bring justice in her situation.Ismene from Antigone: Antigone’s sister, Ismene, is often overlooked in student essays, which makes her a terrific topic to analyze. This dramatic monologue reveals the duplicitous nature o f her character. She is the beautiful, dutiful, outwardly obedient and diplomatic counter to her stubborn and defiant sister. Yet, they have lost both of their parents and their two brothers to suicide and duels. She counsels a safer course of obedience to the law, to live another day. Oedipus the King: This monologue is a classic cathartic moment. Here, Oedipus realizes the wretched truth about himself, his parents, and the terrible power of fate. He has not escaped what fate foretold, he has killed his father and married his mother. Now, his wife/mother has committed suicide and has blinded himself, determined to become an outcast until he dies.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

On Dumpster Diving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On Dumpster Diving - Essay Example In the end, this contributes to wastage. For example, in the article, Eighner states that college students would throw away good items at the end of a semester even when such items could have lasted until the start of the new semester. It is also clear that the consumption culture in America encourages people to focus on the wants and luxuries- things they do not need. The culture of consumerism is one that can affect the economy greatly since it encourages wastage of resources. Eighner’s article also brings to light the kind of foods people buy. In this article, he notes that rarely does he find fresh foods in the dumpster but instead find food such as yoghurt, chocolates among others. This shows that consumerism is a culture that encourages people to engage n unhealthy consumption habits where little consideration is given to the quality of foods eaten. This can further be extended to other items as well, such as electronic devices and clothing. The fact that people are interested in satisfying their demands, little attention to given to the nature of these products and the harm they cause to the consumer and the

Friday, October 18, 2019

PHARMACEUTICAL COMMERCIAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PHARMACEUTICAL COMMERCIAL - Essay Example With the advent of globalization, world market trade drugs that were once confined to a particular area or country. People across the world are being benefitted with the research and studies being conducted in one laboratory in one corner of the world. It could be made through commercialization of pharmaceutical products. On the other hand various laboratories are working in collaboration to bring out the best pharmaceutical results. They work under legislative and safety measures ensuring the customer satisfaction and to procure better results without negligible health hazards. It is mandatory that the companies must get approval from the ethical committees to pursue the research study prior to the drug manufacturing. Drug designing is becoming more precise and target oriented so as to minimize the damages caused to other tissues. Any kind of ignorance or manipulation in this designing may emancipate worst to mankind. It is mandatory that pharmaceutical companies take utmost precaution and precisions not to spin huge profit and ignore humanity but to come out with a devise in the form of drug that can provide a better alternative to the ailments and their cure with trifling side effects. These are all very vital and major contemporary issues that must be addressed when we look drug commercials and the controversies surrounding their increasing prevalence in our everyday lives. Historical background is imperative for any commercial advertisements. 19th century witnessed a huge expansion in the sale and use of drugs. Although many of these drugs were easily accessible but possess tremendous side effects; however limited instructions regarding the methodology of their use was mentioned. These directives are essential for the commercialization of the pharmaceutical products, else these pharmaceutical products become misleading for the customer resulting in life threatening

Americas History of Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Americas History of Immigration - Essay Example To begin with, the most notable point in the American Immigration history lies in the creation of its colonial era. The American experience was perceived as a colony where there would be freedom as well as a feeling of mutual bonding. (Parrillo, 2002) This was first demonstrated by the Puritans who built the first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, in the year 1607. These efforts were replicated by various communities throughout the two century old immigration experience of the United States. Therefore, the turning point was the creation of a model which was to be followed by the variety of people arriving at the American shores, so as create an essentially American way of life. (Gjerde, 1998. Pp 288 to 290 ) Another turning point came in the form of the framing of the US Constitution in the nineteenth century. This helped the diverse American population gain an insight into what was typically American. The Constitution laid special emphasis on freedom, which led to the definition of various unique groups and their ways of living. The Constitution provided the necessary impetus that forced the people to unite on the common grounds of secularism and freedom. Also, with a new focus on new age terms like welfare state and public policy, there was a mass paradigm shift towards understanding the plight of the various communities and creating a platform upon which they may voice their issues and thus gain new insights into public life. (Parrillo, 2002) The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828, as the first "outsider" to be elected as the President, paved the way for the creation of an America that could expand its frontiers through the sheer power of diversity presented by the people thronging it. (Palmer, 2005) This trend was further fuelled through the modifications rendered to public policy to cater to the needs of minorities who were fast taking to America as their homeland. There was a new brand of administrative policy activism during this period, which triggered federal immigration policies to be restructured along dynamic innovative lines. Further, nationhood and social order were described during this period in terms of the ethnicities and their diverse needs. The coming of the Irish to the American shores during the 1800s ushered an age of renewed political agenda aimed at the so called "outsiders". The Irish settled around New England, poised for a greater role in the political affairs of the nation. This brought about a new breed of causal politicians who showed America what culture and refinement feel like. Having followed directly after the abolishment of slavery and the migration of the Southern Blacks towards the Northern industrial states, the migration of the Irish served to better understand and define freedom in terms of the ethnic diversity thronging the American shores. (Parrillo, 2002) Further, the progressive movement was closely followed by the First World War, where the traveling American was brought face to face with social issues on the home front. There was an acknowledgement of the fact that the social dictates of the land had grown to disproportionate dimensions in the face of multi cultural interactions. This led to the need for government action during the 1900s in a bid to demonstrate the ideal American family. While many Asian communities were averse to these trends, the second generation immigrants were more forgiving.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Regression Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regression Report - Research Paper Example But again, what is its value against its color? May be she loves speed and that’s why she went for the Porsche and pink is the color to speed in. As a result, the underlying baseline requirement towards the selection of a pink Porsche reduces the disparity between new and used prices. This is the extent with which value of a car chips in. This is paramount towards a vehicle selection. If one doesn’t have cash to buy a Porsche, they should live according to their standards. A Porsche for instance is a fuel guzzler and even after parting with such a huge lump sum, one will still go deep in their pockets to cater for the fuel expenses. A car should not at any time be a liability to your financial status. Sooner or later you will be the laughing stock in your town. Fraser, Cynthia. Business Statistics for Competitive Advantage with Excel 2010: Basics, Model Building and Cases. New York: Springer, 2012.

The Buddhist Discipline Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Buddhist Discipline - Research Paper Example This research paper demonstrates Buddhists history, practices, teachings and disciplines, that are followed by more than 375 million people these days. Founded in northeastern India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, Buddhism has emerged into one of the world’s most influential major religions and philosophical thoughts. Through missionary activity, it spreads from India to Central and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan, and in the 20th century it found its way into Africa, Europe, The Americas, and Australia. Currently, the fourth largest religion, Buddhism plays a central role in the spiritual, cultural, and social life of its followers. Despite the distinctive practices and unique collections of canonical texts of the two schools (branches) of Buddhism, Mahayana and Theravada, Buddhism’s main teachings (discipline) are focused on resolving the issue of human suffering. These teaching are summarized in the Four Noble Truths, of which the fourth is the Eightfold Path. Accepted by all schools of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths is one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism and is said to have been taught by the Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, in his first sermon, which he delivered after his enlightenment. The Eightfold Path is a subject of less discussion in Buddhist circle than the Four Noble Truths. These eight elements, which are correct view, an accurate understanding of the nature of things, specifically the Four Noble Truths. Rebirth and karma are other Buddhist teachings, that are mentioned in this research paper.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Regression Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regression Report - Research Paper Example But again, what is its value against its color? May be she loves speed and that’s why she went for the Porsche and pink is the color to speed in. As a result, the underlying baseline requirement towards the selection of a pink Porsche reduces the disparity between new and used prices. This is the extent with which value of a car chips in. This is paramount towards a vehicle selection. If one doesn’t have cash to buy a Porsche, they should live according to their standards. A Porsche for instance is a fuel guzzler and even after parting with such a huge lump sum, one will still go deep in their pockets to cater for the fuel expenses. A car should not at any time be a liability to your financial status. Sooner or later you will be the laughing stock in your town. Fraser, Cynthia. Business Statistics for Competitive Advantage with Excel 2010: Basics, Model Building and Cases. New York: Springer, 2012.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning Essay

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning - Essay Example The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate how the Gillette Company responded to just such a set of circumstances and introduce change management into practice. The Gillette Company is a leading division of Proctor and Gambler specialized in personal care and household products. In this company, creative management consists of new ideas, new directions, new methods, and new modes of operation (Gillette Home Page 2008). Innovative management is much the same as the second element of creative and innovative activities--better results. Innovative management is involved with those innovation processes that implement creative ideas and move successfully in new directions. "The concepts "planned change" and "managed change" refer to changes that are deliberately shaped by the organization members (managers, consultants, groups). What distinguishes between the two concepts is the type of people they refer to (Hage, 1999). "Planned change" usually refers to how experts, outside or inside the organization, can help the organization cope with difficulties, and to plan and implement desired changes" (Levy and Merry 1986, p. 3). The Gillette Company op erates in turbulent environment marked by increased competition. The need for change is caused by new economic and social conditions, technological improvements and innovations implemented by direct competitors of Gillette. In order to remain competitive, Gillette has to respond to market changes and meet demands and expectations of diverse customers. The aim of change process is to restructure the company and introduce technological innovations and IT into everyday practice. These changes will cover organizational structure, climate, morale and culture (Mclagan 2002; Gillette Home Page. 2008). Strategic Planning Defined Strategic planning has many definitions. It basically answers the question of what will be done. Strategic planning is a leadership instrument and a process. It begins with establishing organizational aims and purposes, followed by formulation of ways and means to achieve those purposes, and provides direction for implementation of operational or tactical planning (Senior 2001). Strategic planning is a process for setting future direction, a means to reduce risk, and a vehicle for training managers. It is also a process for making strategic decisions, a way to develop consensus among top managers, and a means to develop a written long-range plan. Another definition of strategic planning is "that element of a manager's job and of the organization's function that deals with the contrivance of change, rather than the simple reaction to it" (Senior 2001, p. 54). Strategic planning involves those choices related to overall organizational purpose, oriented towards the future. Strategic pla nning/thinking entails operational (tactical) planning--the planning of those actions to be taken to put strategies into effect. This type of planning answers the question of how to get the job done. It often consists of specific objectives accompanied by short narrative action plans (Gillette Home Page 2008). Strategic management may have two diametrically opposed definitions. One is that it is the overall encompassing effort for total management of an

William Hazlitt Essay Example for Free

William Hazlitt Essay Money isn’t everything, but for English writer William Hazlitt that saying couldn’t be farther from the truth. The essay he has chosen to write is a list of contradictions given to show the reader why the true purpose in life is money. Hazlitt conveys his thoughts on money to persuade others that money is everything. To persuade his reader he uses specific syntax, tone and diction to convey this message. William Hazlitt begins his passage with stating â€Å"literally and truly, one cannot get on well in the world without money† (1). By starting the essay like this his stance whether or not money is everything is clear. As the passage develops you find that he is trying to persuade people who think money isn’t everything by belittling this with statements like â€Å"to be a burden to your relations† (39-40) to make the reader second guess them self. Also by him addressing â€Å"yourself† (45) in the passage he is directing it at a particular person or group of people. By doing these things he creates an informal essay with little detail. Hazlitt expresses a contemptuous tone throughout the essay. In his essay he compares having no money to â€Å"laborious employment† (16) and â€Å"thrown into†¦ a gaol,† (33) these are all situations that a majority of people dislike or do don’t want out of life. He uses this to persuade readers into his way of thinking. Hazlitt uses one huge compound sentence combining many contradictions. This compound sentence takes up lines 2-47 which is the majority of this passage; overwhelming readers by also adding intricate diction like â€Å"gaol† (33) â€Å"acquirements† (8) all to enhance his point by still using an informal tone. In conclusion William Hazlitt attempts to persuade his non-believer readers about the advantages of money and why it is truly everything. Whether it is by burdening your family or â€Å"sitting at a desk† (17) is condemns the reader and uses negative connotations. This strikes a reader and shows reasons why money is truly everything.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of a Student Lifestyle on Health

Effects of a Student Lifestyle on Health An investigation into the effects of a student lifestyle on health Results and discussion The questionnaires were sent out to the student population in the manner described. A total of 240 were distributed and we received back 120 of these – a 50% return rate. Of these 120 (n), 68 (56%) were from male respondents and 52 (44%) were from females this approximately reflects the male / female ratio of students at the University. We shall consider each question in turn. Questionnaire I Age. As could easily be predicted, the vast majority of respondents were from the 18-21 yr. age range 100 (83%) in total, with the remainder scattered over the range 22-32 yrs., again this roughly equates with the student age profile of the University campus. 108 (90%) were full time students with only 12 (10%) being part time We decided to make a preliminary breakdown into sports and non-sports related courses. We felt that this was better for our purposes than specifying each individual course studied, as it lent itself to clearer analysis. 24 (20%) were on sports related courses and 96 (80%) were not. It would be a useful breakdown of male / female in these two groups if you have the information. In terms of hours studied, the results were rather surprising as 29 (24%) admitted to studying less than 6 hrs a week, the biggest cohort of 50 (41%) admitted to 6-10 hours a week and only one (a female) felt that she was studying more than 21 hours a week. The relevance of this is that, in the context of exercise and health, it would be difficult for any of these students to present a convincing argument that they did not exercise because they were committing too much time to their studies. They clearly had plenty of uncommitted non-study time on their hands. Perhaps a bar chart would be appropriate here. Smoking. Given the data presented earlier our results were not totally in line with the national averages. Our cohort had 64 smokers (53%) of which 60% were men. If our cohort had followed the national patterns then we would have expected 42% of men and 39% of women in this age range to be smokers. The reasons for this are not clear from our survey One possible explanation may be the unexpectedly high response to our question about stress levels (see on) With regard to the number of cigarettes smoked the range was surprisingly narrow with over 75% of smokers admitting to smoking 15 or less per day and only 2 admitted to smoking over 30 a day The length of time that each had smoked was less than four years in 75% of smokers. Although we do not have the data, we should perhaps not be surprised at that as we have already mentioned, the majority (83%) of our group were under the age of 22yrs. You might like to break down the ages of the smokers further to see if you can demonstrate that the majority started smoking when they got to university – the figures should bear this out. This figure is quite significant when we compare it against the number who profess to be concerned about their fitness (see on) as we have highlighted above that smoking is one of the greatest impediments to general good health. Drinking. 112 (93%) of our respondents said that they did drink alcohol with only 8 (6%) stating that they were teetotal. Of much greater interest was the amount that was drunk. Given that the current recommended weekly intake is 21 units for men and 14 units for women, 75 of our respondents admitted to drinking more than that (66% of drinkers) with the biggest groups 38 in total, drinking in the range of 26-35 units on a weekly basis. It has to be said that it was rather worrying that 15 of our respondents (13% of drinkers) admitted to regularly drinking over 41 units a week and 3 of those were women. 7 a+b) When contrasted against the figures for drinking before coming to University, it can be seen that there is a marked increase in the quantity of alcohol consumed since the transition to the â€Å"student lifestyle†. There may of course be many factors at work here. Sudden relaxation of parental control, the availability of more money, and being older may all play a part. It is also possible that the influence of peer pressure is a significant factor here. It is probably also significant that only two of the group actually admitted to drinking more than 30 units a week before coming to university which certainly is in marked contrast to our findings. the enquiry into illicit drugs brought out an interesting response. We had considered the possibility that students may not be willing to openly discuss their use of illicit substances and mainly it was for this reason that we elected to make the questionnaire anonymous. We received a definitive answer in every case and 42 of out cohort (35%) currently use drugs of some sort while at university. This compares to a much lower figure of 20 (16%) who used drugs before arriving at university and the student lifestyle. From this evidence it would appear that the fact that someone comes to university is associated with a doubling of the incidence of recreational drug use. Again we can only postulate about the reasons for this. In much the same way that there was a marked increase in the use of alcohol after the transition to university life, it is possible that the factors which we suggested may have been responsible for this increase may also be the same factors that are relevant in the i ncrease in drug use. 8b) The breakdown of admitted drug use is interesting not only for its description of the actual drugs used but also for the pattern of sex distribution that it reveals. There is clearly multi-drug usage as 42 respondents admitted to using drugs and there are 85 different admissions of type. We do not have the figures to tell us if the majority of drug use is single use with a comparatively few users accounting for the polypharmacy or whether most drug users are using multiple types of drugs. The majority of use is in the category of so-called recreational drugs 71 reports (88% of total drug use) and only 14 reports of cocaine use (12% of total drug use). It certainly is a clear trend that the drug use amongst men is greater than that amongst women. Of the admitted drug users (by type) 53 (62% of use) was by men and 27 (38%) was by women, this compares with the prevalence of men in our sample (56%) and women (44%). When these results are compared with the responses of drug use prior to arrival at university, it can be seen that the pattern of drug use is different. Cannabis and Ecstasy form the preponderance of drug use in this age group and the incidence of cocaine use is clearly much less. It would therefore appear that cocaine tends to be used by an older age group and this may or may not be an influence of life at university. It is not the function of this survey to pontificate on the apparent rights and wrongs of drug use. We are trying to define and delineate the effects of a student lifestyle on health and there is considerable evidence (see above) that drug use is certainly not conducive to health. Perhaps we should confine ourselves to the comment that there is certainly a public health issue here. 10) The psychological aspects of â€Å"the student life style† also produced some unexpected surprises. With specific regard to anxiety there is an immediate problem seen in the results. In 10a) the students were asked if they felt stressed while at university. 72 (60%) responded â€Å"yes† but when asked to grade the severity of their stress 109 (90%) indicated that they had experienced a degree of stress. This may represent a difficulty in perception. Some people may be able to relate to the experience of minor degrees of stress and regard it as â€Å"normal† rather than â€Å"feeling stressed† which is a term that they may reserve for higher levels of actual perceived stress. We would have to regard this as a criticism of the actual wording of the question, in which 10a) might have been better phrased as â€Å"have you ever felt any degree of stress while at university?† when, presumably, the two figures would then have matched. It is certainly significant that the majority of the â€Å"yes† respondents were women. The majority of the studies done on the subject of stress (see above) show that women will report feeling stressed more frequently than their male counterparts. Many reasons and hypotheses have been advanced for this observation. It may well be that men are physiologically better equipped to deal with stress than women. There does not, however, appear to be any evidence to back up this point. It has been shown that men are less likely to seek help for psychological (and indeed physical) symptoms than women – quite often to their own detriment. Any sociologist will tell you that in our current social climate the gender roles of the two sexes are programmed differently during rearing. Boys are expected and encouraged to be stoical and brave, hiding their emotions whereas it is generally considered far more acceptable for girls to exhibit emotional liability. It is therefore not unexpected to find that at the highest end of the reported stress range. The proportion of women is greater than men. Equally the converse is also true that men are over represented at the lower-stress and no-stress levels. The pre-university results are not as diverse as they appear to be in other areas of enquiry. This should not altogether surprise us as we have to bear in mind the fact that all of the students who have made the transition from school to university will, almost without exception, have been through the A-level system, which is an inherently stressful experience. It is interesting to note that the sex differences are almost identical in this group when compared to the university group. Again this reflects the findings of other, more general, studies on the subject. 12) With regard to the comments made about the discrepancy of the figures in the questions about anxiety (11a and 11b) we can see that there is exactly the same disagreement in the questions about depression (12a) and 12b). When asked the direct question about whether they had felt depressed while at university 98 (81%) said â€Å"no†, but when asked to grade their degree of depression only 34 (28%) indicated that they had not felt depressed to any degree. This apparent discrepancy can presumably be analysed along the same lines as our suggestions with regard to anxiety. This is given further credence by the observation that in the group who admitted to experiencing depression, women were represented at nearly double the relative frequency of the men. When we look at the group admitting to severe depression the proportion rises to over three times the relative frequency. When compared to the responses that were reported before coming to university we can see however, that this time (compared to the anxiety situation) there is a marked difference as very many fewer respondents admitted to feelings of depression in their pre-university life. We do know that levels of depression reach a peak in the early twenties ( most markedly in men) and therefore we would expect to find lower levels in younger age groups. We also have other environmental factors in play as the majority of pre-university or school age pupils, will normally be living in the comparative security of a family lifestyle with all its attendant support networks hopefully in place. At university however, the situation is generally quite different with young people thrust into a different, and possibly alien environment, with no pre-existing support networks to fall back on for advice. This is clearly a fertile breeding ground for reactive depression and also endogenous depression if there is a predisposition for it. 14) This section is even more subjective than the preceding two as it deals with the question of self confidence ( you might like to see if your results show a correlation between the people doing sports related courses and high self-confidence rating because the chances are that there will be – see on) the self-assessed results in this section show a fairly predictable Gaussian distribution curve with the highest concentration in the middle ranges of self confidence and a slight preponderance towards the above average assessment. One always has to approach self-assessments with a fair degree of scepticism but one could reasonably expect a higher than average number of self-confident people at university as they clearly would have to have a fair degree of self-confidence to take the necessary exams and to put themselves forward in the first place. One interesting point in the analysis is shown by the fact that there is an increased correlation in a high self confidence rating and the participation in a sports-related course. We can only conjecture why this might be but, in order to excel in sports it is usually totally counter-productive to be shy and retiring, so perhaps we could postulate a preponderance of certain personality types in a sports-related field. 15) there is very little difference in the ratings of self-confidence before and after coming to university. If anything, there is a slight increase in the perceived ratings. This may well correlate with the feelings of independence and the necessity to be responsible for one’s own actions at university. The increase in the ratings may simply reflect the confidence that comes with experience of the independence of the â€Å"student lifestyle† which most of our respondents clearly have had. 16) When designing the questionnaire we considered the problems that may arise with questions of a personal or sexual nature. We are therefore very heartened by the fact that the vast majority of respondents found that they could give us answers in this section with 115 (95%) responding positively. Sadly, the results do tend to bolster the tabloid editors portrayal of promiscuity which we referred to in the section on sexually transmitted diseases of our respondents, only 4 (3%) admitted to being a virgin (or celibate). The biggest group – 25 (21%) had only one partner since being at university, but it was something of a surprise to see that the next biggest group of 20 (17%) had five partners since arriving at university. 10 of our sample (12%) admitted to having 10 or more partners while being at university. We do not presume to make any moral judgements on this set of results but it would be fair to say that to have 10 or more different sexual partners within a three year spell at university (and some may have had ten partners in less than that time) does put the respondents in a high risk group for sexual health problems (see conclusions) With the single exception of the lowest degrees of promiscuity (Groups admitting to one or no partners at all), men outnumbered women in all the groups. It is hard to fully explain this anomaly. A logical evaluation would suggest that there are three possibilities, either it is an unexpected statistical quirk, it reflects the fact that normal sexual activity is carried out by most men but a few very promiscuous women or that there is an unexpectedly high amount of male homosexual activity going on within the university. The author could not possibly comment on which eventuality is the most likely. 17) When compared to the figures obtained for sexual activity before coming to university we can see that there is a marked difference. The degree of promiscuity is much lower pre-university. This may well be a reflection of the age and circumstance of the pre-university respondents, quite apart from the independence factor that becomes more apparent after arriving at university. We can also see that the number of celibates pre-university is also much higher. This again, is probably a reflection of the perception of independence found at university. 18) In continuation of the issues discussed in section 16, the issues of sexual health are tackled here. The question is purposely blunt – â€Å"Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?† In our sample 6 (5% of sexually active respondents) had admitted to having one. This may very well not be accurate, as any experienced health professional will tell you that there are a lot a sexually transmitted diseases that are asymptomatic or may clear up spontaneously. Male monillia is often both trivial and self-curing and may only show as a transient blotchy rash of 24-36 hours duration. Male and female chlamydia may be completely asymptomatic in both sexes and the sufferers may truthfully respond that they do not think that they have a sexually transmitted disease. The fact of the matter is that both monilliasis in the female and Chlamydia in both sexes, can have serious repercussions with regard to fertility in the future. As we have flagged up in our earlier discussions, high levels of promiscuity are a potential problem for the overall sexual health of the student body. Questionnaire II BMI was worked out from the statistics of height and weight supplied by each respondent. The first inference of note is that there is a predictable Gaussian curve for both male and female distributions of BMI with the mean for males (predictably) coming to the right of the female peak ( a graph showing the two distributions would be helpful here) although the male curve actually has two maxima, this is almost certainly a statistical quirk due to the relatively small number of the sample. There are only three respondents that fall into the clinically obese range (25 and over) and only two – both female – who would be considered clinically underweight with a BMI of 15 (WHO definitions). This distribution is approximately the distribution that one would expect from the population as a whole in this age range. The first question asks respondents to rate their degree of physical activity. This set of answers should be analysed in conjunction with the responses to questions 3a-6 and the knowledge that 24 (20%) are on sports related courses and we would therefore expect them to be physically active in the pursuance of their course in any event. As we can see 32 (26%) take less exercise than the Government recommended target of 30 mins. five times a week and a further 49 (40%) just straddling the target level. If we arbitrarily equate â€Å"very physically active† with doing in excess of 80 minutes of exercise a day, â€Å"fairly physically active† with doing more than 40 mins a day, together with â€Å"not very physically active† doing more than 20 minutes a day then we can see a marked discrepancy straight away. Those who professed to be very physically active were 22 (18%) but this compares with 13 (10%) who actually do more than 80 mins. exercise a day. In the fairly physically active group there were 58 respondents (48%) but this corresponds to 39 (32%) who actually take more than 40 minutes of exercise a day. For those 25 (20%) who profess to be not very physically active they correlate with 49 (40%) who straddle the Government guidelines by taking between 21-40 minutes exercise a day. The group with the lowest professed activity – 15 (12%) correlate with the 32 (26%) who do virtually no physical activity at all. Immediately one can see that there is a discrepancy here. Those who feel that they take a lot of activity tend to overestimate the amount of exercise that they actually do, equally there are a second group who, say that they are not very active when the figures suggest that the actually-inactive group is much bigger than the professed-inactive group. Professed Actual Activity (n) Activity (n) Very active 22 13 Fairly active 58 39 Not very active 25 49 Inactive 15 32 All in all it would appear that the respondents have an ability to feel that they are actually doing more exercise than they actually are doing. Equally you could argue that we are making the criteria too strict and that we are being over-ambitious in our expectations of what amount of exercise people of this age should be doing. Perhaps the best independent arbiter should be the Government’s own documents and consultation papers quoted elsewhere in this piece (Game Plan and At least five a week). It can be seen that approximately 50% of our respondents do not meet these criteria. 3b 4a 4b You have given me no information here and I have no real idea of what the results might actually show. I would suggest that you base your analysis along the lines of my previous answer (which may have to be modified in the light of whatever your figures show) 2a+b) The weight of our respondents seems to have remained remarkably steady with 103 (85%) remaining effectively unchanged. We note that in the case of the 17 (14%) where the weight has changed we did not ask them to specify whether this was up or down. If this is analysed in conjunction with 2b) where 2 respondents indicated that this was an intentional change and 15 said that it was unintentional, the normal inference would be that people who have elected to change their weight intentionally might normally have been expected to loose weight however, in this particular cohort with a strong sporting interest, it is possible that this group may have been trying to put weight on. And equally the converse may also be true, we do not have enough information to make this judgement. 5) when asked if they thought that they got enough exercise to keep them healthy 62 (51%) of our respondents thought that they did. Interestingly 10 (12%) didn’t know. This is presumably a reflection of public education issues although you could take the opposing view that the message has got through to the other 88% who felt that they did know. 88 (73%) of our respondents felt that they wanted to increase the amount of exercise that they did. We are not in a position to say whether these are the ones who felt that they did not do enough exercise to start with or whether they are the ones who already exercise and feel that they need to do more. Presumably, for those on a sports related course there is always the incentive to try to make yourself even fitter. 44(36%) of our sample visited the gym on a regular basis. We can reasonably assume that at least 24 of these will be on the sports related courses as one can assume that they would be visiting the gym regularly as part of their course so at least another 20 were actively trying to get fitter. We can see that there is a preponderance of males in this group (33m to 12f). With regard to this question you might like to see if the 32 negative respondents correlate highly with the active or non active groups. You could then draw appropriate conclusions here. For example if they were the predominantly the active group then you might conclude that they didn’t feel the need for sedentary activities or conversely, if they were the inactive group it may be that their sedentary activities precluded them from activity. 11-14 The diet related questions are perhaps better considered as one entity. The most interesting comparisons come from the pre-university and at university comparisons as one can see that there is a marked change in the eating activity of our respondents It is something of a surprise that 81 (67%) of our respondents used a fast-food outlet less than twice a week. The general perception of the student lifestyle is frequent use of such facilities. This clearly is not borne out by our survey. A worryingly large number of students eat less than the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables with 83 (69%) and 86 (71%) respectively taking less than the WHO recommended minimum. This contrasts dramatically with the results in the pre-university question where it can be seen that the amount of fruit and vegetables eaten (presumably primarily under parental influence) is much higher. In terms of health, this is an important finding as fruit and vegetables are a major source of roughage, vitamins and anti-oxidants (and of course many other essential nutrients) that are essential for health in general. A reduction in intake therefore jeopardises the overall healthy diet. 13. It is an interesting comment that 36 (30%) of our respondents said that they were concerned about their diet. One would have thought that with the independence of student life, if they were concerned that they now actually had the means to do something about it. Clearly this is a sweeping statement that does not take into account a mass of other obvious factors such as the finances involved in buying comparatively expensive items such as fruit. Conclusions There are many conclusions that one can draw from the figures presented above. Top of our list should be a consideration of the shortcomings of the survey which obviously will have a bearing on the conclusions that we feel able to draw from our figures. It is acknowledged that the survey is comparatively small. Although we can hope that it may be representative of the student body, it small size precludes rigorous statistical analysis. It is certainly possible to detect trends within our survey and many of these have been commented upon as we have looked at the figures. The mechanism of using the same sample of students as their own controls by asking their activity before coming to university, is a useful tool to gain a degree of statistical validity, and certainly has helped us to answer the original question of the effects of a student lifestyle on health. To specifically answer that question, we can point to a number of areas where there appears to have been marked changes in behaviour patterns pre- and post-university. Smoking, drinking, diet and sexual behaviour have all changed dramatically and to a lesser extent, drug taking patterns and depression levels have also changed. To some extent, a cynic might observe that this equates with the worst aspects of the typical tabloid editor’s portrayal of the â€Å"typical student†. The reality is, of course, far more complex than that We have already alluded to the major sociological changes that occur when the typical student leaves school and arrives at university. The release from the comparatively structured and dependent world of home life and school into the comparatively independent and less structured world of the university allows a sudden explosion of freedom in many cases where new experiences and activities can be tried, exploited and (perhaps) enjoyed. Can we draw any conclusions as to whether the typical university student is more or less healthy than their pre-university counterpart? Clearly we have delineated some important pointers to this question. In terms of diet (perhaps one of the most important long-term factors in deciding the criteria of health) there is little doubt that our typical student has a worse diet at university than they did before coming to university. We can clearly see the reduction in fruit and vegetable intake although it is gratifying to see that the expected transition to fast-food existence is not a major factor in most cases. The amount of exercise appears to have increased, although we have to accept that a disproportionate number in our sample have a sporting interest, so clearly that will skew the figures to a degree. As we have discussed earlier, there is a basic amount of exercise that has been shown to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction and stroke, obesity and Type II diabetes. Our typical student just qualifies for the basic minimum target set by the Government, but the range is great. As we have seen, exercise varies from virtually minimal to enormous amounts on a regular basis. We can probably just about conclude that university has a positive effect on health as far as exercise levels are concerned. Drug taking is another area where the student lifestyle has a bearing on health. Less than a third of our respondents have used illicit drugs, so they clearly are not the majority, but this group nonetheless represents a significant group within the whole. It is a matter of intense current debate as to the effect that drugs have on the actual health of a person and therefore we cannot presume to take a firm view when there is still such controversy raging. We can say that there is probably a general consensus that there is evidence that some illicit drugs do appear to have long term implications for health and on that basis, we can point to a negative effect of the student lifestyle on health. An area that we can point to that has far more clear-cut implications for health is the explosion of sexual activity that appears to equate with the student lifestyle. We have already passed comment on the degree of promiscuity that our survey has revealed. Celibacy or monogamy is clearly the best way of avoiding the risks of sexually transmitted diseases. We have commented on the number of respondents who have already known that they have had a sexually transmitted disease, but perhaps our concern should be for those who have contracted asymptomatic disease and are therefore, unknowingly passing it on to other contacts. Again, this is an apparent negative effect of the student lifestyle on health. Recommendations It is difficult to know how to structure this section as, on the one hand, we have clearly identified areas where the student lifestyle could be changed to improve the overall health of the individual, but a much deeper and possibly more significant question remains – â€Å"should we seek to change it?† There are many significant arguments here. One is the basic freedom of choice argument. Some may say that it is appropriate to give people information on matters such as health but it is ultimately up to them as to whether they actually take or implement that advice. Equally there is the converse argument that points to the drain on the public purse of avoidable ill-health. Do people have a duty to society to keep themselves as healthy as they practically can? Should they avoid obvious factors that will cause ill-health in later life? If we follow this argument through to its logical conclusion then we would insist that everybody had a uniform healthy diet, did not smoke or drink to excess, took daily exercise and remained monogamous for their lifetime. A more balanced approach may be to conclude that, in general terms, people learn by their mistakes. Is has been said that the student lifestyle is not only about getting and education it is about getting an Education. Most students will utilise their time at university to explore and perhaps formulate their ideas and personal guidelines for their future life. Perhaps we should take a pragmatic view and observe that, although we have been able to point out some short term negative aspects of the student life style on health, perhaps it is a necessary phase of experimentation which is part of the evolution to a healthier lifestyle as an adult. PDG 25.3.05 Word count 5,572

Sunday, October 13, 2019

evilmac Comparing the Evil of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay -- compa

Comparing the Evil of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth       â€Å"At the heart of William Shakespeare's Macbeth is an examination of the nature of evil and it's many faces and facets†(Cathell 119). The principal evil characters in the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, are both evil, but the manifestation of evil is different in each.    Macbeth's evil is a dynamic character trait. He begins the play as a celebrated hero, loyal to his friends and dedicated to his king. He is strong and noble, a man to be admired by his audience. Macbeth and Banquo are visited by the three witches, who promise him that he will be king. This veiled intimation ignites a secret ambition within Macbeth. Evil has dawned within him, but at this early stage of his transformation Macbeth is ashamed of his evil urges. He says,    Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires; The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. (Shakespeare I, iv, 50)    Soon, however, Macbeth is overcome by his ambition and his fall begins. He says,   I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only    Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself/ and falls on the other. (Shakespeare I, vii, 25)       As soon as the descision to murder Duncan is made, and until his death, Macbeth is a vessel relentlessly filling with evil. Macbeth is the source of all the dastardly deeds in this play. The witches ignite his evil ambition, Lady Macbeth stokes the fire, but the blame for Duncan's murder rests squarely on the shoulders of Macbeth. Macbeth may not have held the knives that killed Banquo or Macduff's family, but the agression is his.    Lady Macbeth does not descen... ...waits, Macbeth rushes to violence. His evil is brutal and impatient. His weakness is his inability to control his mind.    Works Cited and Consulted:    Cathell, A.L. "The Diabolic Evil in Macbeth" in Shakespeare Survey: Volume 5. Edited by Allardyce Nicoll Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996    Elliot, G.R. "Introduction: On `Macbeth' as Apex of Shakspearean Tragedy" in Shakespearean Criticism, Volume 3. Edited by Laurie Harris (Gale: 1984)    McElroy, Bernard, "`Macbeth': The torture of the Mind" in Shakespearean Criticism, Volume 3. Edited by Laurie Harris (Gale:1984)    Ribner, Irving. "Macbeth: The Pattern of Idea and Action," in Shakespearean Criticism, Volume 3. Edited by Laurie Harris (Gale:1984)    Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Edited by Norman Sanders. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984)   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dangers of a Totalitarian Society Exposed in Brave New World :: Brave New World

Dangers of a Totalitarian Society Exposed in Brave New World On a superficial level Brave New World is the portrait of a perfect society. The citizens of this Utopia live in a society that is free of depression and most of the social-economic problems that trouble the world today. All aspects of life are controlled for the people of this society: population numbers, social class, and intellectual ability. History is controlled and rewritten to suit the needs of the state. All this is done in the name of social stability. When one looks beneath the surface of this "perfect' society it becomes evident that it is nothing of the sort. Eugenics, social conditioning, and anti-depressant drugs have solved many of the problems faced by many modern societies; poverty, class tensions and overpopulation; but at the costs of individuality and with that their humanity. The citizens of "brave new world" are engineered to suite the needs of the state. Individual expression is impossible because everyone is conditioned to think alike. Brave New World is a book about a future that seems more viable and less brave with each passing day as our values become more materialistic and as our faith in God dwindles slowly to be replaced by technology. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World to increase our awareness of this frightening future we seem to be progressing towards so we can prevent it from happening. In the futuristic society of the novel, God has been replaced by science and technology as a source substance and meaning in life. As a consequence the words "Christ" and "God" are replaced with "Ford." This is done because Huxley believed that the shift in emphasis from God to technology occurred, to a large extent, with Henry Ford's introduction of the Model-T.1 Instead of using the Christian calendar this date is used as the opening date of a new era; the date is After Ford (A.F.) 632. This shift in importance is symbolized by substituting the Christian Cross with the Ford T.2 The motto of the new World State that now controls the world is "Community, Stability, Identity." This motto emphasizes the importance of the society over the individual. Community emphasizes the importance of the individual as a contributor to society.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rani lakshmibai Essay

L.K. Advanis suggestion to jointly celebrate the uprising of 1857 by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is utterly ill-advised. It betrays, apart from our misplaced understanding of history, an obsequious mentality towards Muslims. In independent India, we preserved the myth sedulously cultivated by Gandhi, that everything that was anti-British was patriotic. Adolf Hitler, by that logic, should be our greatest hero because he dealt the biggest blow to the British Empire. We adore a demonic Tipu Sultan, who claimed to have converted hundred thousand Hindus to Islam in a day, simply because he fought against the British. Advani should admit that, by extension of the same logic, RSS is an unpatriotic organization because it took no part in freedom movement. In reality, the RSS founder Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, who had brush with revolution and experience of Non-Cooperation Movement, was a sagacious man. He understood that the need of the hour was to strengthen and reorganize the Hindu society under British rule. Under Mughals, such organizations could not have been raised except under the shade of the sword like Khalsa by Guru Govind Singh. 1857, although it was more than army mutiny, was not the First War of Independence. This term was coined by a young Vinayak Damodar Savarkar who celebrated its 50th anniversary in London. 1857, in reality, was the last war of Islamic resistance. It was an attempt to overthrow the British East India Company and reestablish the Muslim rule. It is for this reason that Bengal, whose Hindus have been benefited by liberal British education, shunned the uprising completely. Sikhs, persecuted by Mughals throughout their history, had little sympathy towards Bahadur Shah Zafar. Some Hindus have created a myth that 1857 was a golden period of Hindu-Muslim amity. R.C. Mazumdar writes-There was communal tension even in Delhi, the centre of the great movement. But it was not confined to that city. We learn from an official report on the night of the Mutiny (June, 4) at Varanasi that news was received by some Mussalmans had determined to raise the Green Flag in the temple of Bisshessur. The communal hatred led ugly communal riots in many parts of U.P. Green Flag was hoisted and bloody wars were  fought between Hindus and Muslims in Bareilly, Bijnor, Mordabad and others places where Muslims the Muslims shouted for the revival of the Muslim kingdom. The communal discord was supplemented by racial animosity of long standing produced by historical causes. The Muslims in Hyderabad were excited by events of North India and developed strong anti-British feeling, but they were more hostile to the Marathas and would have gladly fought under the British under Holkar and Sindhia (British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance-I p.618-History and Culture of the Indian People Vol. IX) Gandhi tried to rope in Muslims in Non Co-operation movement for Swaraj on quid pro quid basis with Khilafat movement. To ordinary Muslims, Swaraj became co-terminus with reestablishment of Muslim rule in India. Its most eminent example is the Mopla riots (1920) in Malabar. Not a single British life was lost in anti-British uprising by Moplas. But it led to death, rape, mutilation of thousands of Hindus in addition to plunder and desecration of temples. We saw, in recent past, how anti-Bush and anti-cartoon rallies by Muslims had turned into attacks upon Hindus. Today to remind Muslims of their glorious role in anti-British struggle is to encourage more suicide bombers to emerge against the Londoners. 0 MultiQuote Reply #82 ramana Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 3,265 Joined: 03-October 03 Posted 20 June 2006 – 10:17 PM More from Deccan Chronicle, 20 June 2006 Sunday Section. QUOTE Deciding on a title for 1857 Itihaas: By Akhilesh Mithal The year 2007 will mark the 150th anniversary of the greatest up-surge in nearly two centuries (1757-1947) of British rule in India. The memories of the episode are distorted because the British won and victors usually angle history to serve their own narrow, partisan ends. The Indians who collaborated and helped the British quell the uprising became the major beneficiaries and joined the rulers in erasing and distorting all positive memories of the revolt. Many of these toady families continue to be rich and close to power centers in the Congress and the BJP. Their views colour Indian perceptions along the lines that Britishers had laid down. It has come to such a pass that even the images of the most important leaders such as Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi and Nana Dhondho Pant Peshwa have got lost. The portraits that exist are mushkook or suspect and no schoolchild is familiar with the real appearance of these heroes and heroines. Although the rebel soldiers (nearly 1,00,000) were joined by the Emperor of India, the Peshwa of the Maratthas, the Begum of Awadh; numerous Nawabs, Rajas and Ranis besides peasants, traders and shopkeepers, the title mutiny continues to prevail. The emperors gardens, palaces, mosques and seminaries received special attention from the sappers and miners. The entire villages were burnt down and the ruined mud walls razed to the ground. The heart of Delhi and the center of Lucknow were gouged out. Shahjahanabad Delhi was depopulated and its status reduced to a lowly district headquarters in the Province of the Punjab. Lucknow lost its place as capital of Awadh. Allahabad was the new capital from which Lord Canning announced that Queen Victoria had assumed direct rule. Many leftist historians talk of the uprising as an attempt to re-establish feudalism while ignoring the fact that the British Raj was a military dictatorship displaying the worst aspects of racist Nazism and Fascism while operating under a thin civilian veneer. The British prevarication on the subject of sharing power with Indians is a matter of record. The 20th Century British attempt to pass off bogus and impotent legislatures in India as an experiment in democracy, was exposed by Bhagat Singh and his group when they threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly and followed it up with a shower of pamphlets spelling out the deception being practised. Independence saw an India with 10 per cent literacy, an average expectancy of age at 29, and a franchise covering less than 13 per cent of the population. The country was ruled by the British civil military junta from Shimla or Delhi with collaborators from amongst the Indians helping them justify every outrage and cover up the failures. The British-officered Indian army was posted at strategic bases and could be summoned out at short notice. The army shooting to kill unarmed civilians protesting slavery in Jallianwala Bagh in 1942 are amongst the darkest chapters of British rule. The British claim to have trained Indians in the practice of democracy. In point of fact, their rule in India spawned not Indian democracy but military dictatorship in Pakistan and Bangladesh. It should be remembered that the second most powerful person in India during British Rule was the Commander-in-Chief in India. His lakh rupee salary made him the highest paid man in uniform in the whole Empire including the sceptred Island. (For those born after the dissolution of the Empire sceptred were the title the British gave to their home.) The use of the epithet Great for Britain and sceptred for the island helped the British forget all the want, misery deprivation and suffering  they had caused in India during their rule. The revisit to 1857 should include inputs from what is now Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Nepal under the Ranas came to the help of the British, took its share of loot, established a foothold of Gurkhas in the army, which lasts and they should have interesting material in their records. Both Nana Saheb and Begum Hazrat Mahal died in Nepal and it would be interesting to know the fate of their treasure. Perhaps the Pakistanis should be asked to concentrate on the Bengal infantry regiment revolts in the Punjab and in the NWFP to bring these facts out of obscurity. There also is the story of the rebel leader Ahmad Shah of Nilibar. He exists in folklore and should come out into history texts. We shall talk about NWFP and 1857 in another column. 0 MultiQuote Reply #83 acharya Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 6,411 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 24 June 2006 – 11:44 PM Rising, Falling As we enter the 150th anniversary of 1857, William Dalrymple casts a new look at one of Indian history’s most enigmatic episodes, and its aftermath WILLIAM DALRYMPLE | e-mail | one page format | feedback: send – read | In June 1858, the Times correspondent William Howard Russella man now famous as the father of war journalismarrived in the ruins of Delhi, recently  recaptured by the British from the rebels after one of the bloodiest sieges in Indian history. Skeletons still littered the streets, and the domes and minars of the city were riddled with shell holes; but the walls of the Red Fort, the great palace of the Mughals, still looked magnificent: â€Å"I have seldom seen a nobler mural aspect,† wrote Russell in his diary, â€Å"and the great space of bright red walls put me in mind of (the) finest part of Windsor Castle.† Russell’s ultimate destination was, however, rather less imposing. Along a dark, dingy back passage of the fort, Russell was led to the cell of a frail 83-year-old man who was accused by the British of being one of the masterminds of the Great Rising, or Mutiny, of 1857, the most serious armed act of resistance to Western imperialism ever to be mounted anywhere in the world. â€Å"He was a dim, wandering-eyed, dreamy old man with a feeble hanging nether lip and toothless gums,† wrote a surprised Russell. â€Å"Not a word came from his lips; in silence he sat day and night with his eyes cast on the ground, and as though utterly oblivious of the conditions in which he was placed†¦. His eyes had the dull, filmy look of very old age†¦. Some heard him quoting verses of his own composition, writing poetry on a wall with a burned stick.† â€Å"He was a dim, wandering-eyed, dreamy old man with a feeble hanging nether lip and toothless gums,† the Times correspondent William Russell wrote of Bahadur Shah Zafar in 1858. The last emperor of the Mughals, a direct but all-too-remote descendant of Genghis Khan. The prisoner was Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor, direct descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamburlane, of Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jehan. As Russell himself observed, â€Å"He was called ungrateful for rising against his benefactors. He was no doubt a weak and cruel old man; but to talk of ingratitude on the part of one who saw that all the dominions of his ancestors had been gradually taken from him until he was left with an empty title, and more empty exchequer, and a palace full of penniless princesses, is perfectly preposterous.† Zafar was born in 1775, when the British were still a relatively insignificant coastal power clinging to three enclaves on the Indian shore. In his lifetime he saw his own dynasty reduced to humiliating insignificance, while the British transformed themselves from servile traders into an aggressively expansionist military force. British residents ride behind emperor Akbar II and his sons in 1815 Zafar came late to the throne, succeeding his father only in his mid-60s, when it was already impossible to reverse the political decline of the Mughals. But despite this he succeeded in creating around him in Delhi a court of great brilliance. Personally, he was one of the most talented, tolerant and likeable of his dynasty: a skilled calligrapher, a profound writer on Sufism, a discriminating patron of miniature painters and an inspired creator of gardens. Most importantly, he was a very serious mystical poet, who wrote not only in Urdu and Persian but Braj Bhasha and Punjabi, and partly through his patronage there took place arguably the greatest literary renaissance in modern Indian history.Himself a ghazal writer of great charm and accomplishment, Zafar’s court provided a showcase for the talents of India’s greatest love poet, Ghalib, and his rival Zauqthe Mughal poet laureate, and the Salieri to Ghalib’s Mozart. 0 MultiQuote Reply #84 acharya Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 6,411 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 24 June 2006 – 11:45 PM 0 MultiQuote Reply #85 acharya Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 6,411 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 24 June 2006 – 11:45 PM 0 MultiQuote Reply #86 acharya Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 6,411 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 24 June 2006 – 11:48 PM This fast emerging middle-class India is a country with its eyes firmly fixed on the coming century. Everywhere there is a profound hope that the country’s rapidly rising international status will somehow compensate for a past often perceived as a long succession of invasions and defeats at the hands of foreign powers.Whatever the reason, the result is a tragic neglect of Delhi’s magnificent past. Sometimes it seems as if no other great city of the world is less loved, or less cared foras the tone of the recent Outlook cover story highlighted. Occasionally there is an outcry as the tomb of the poet Zauq is discovered to have disappeared under a municipal urinal or the haveli courtyard house of his rival Ghalib is revealed to have been turned into a coal store; but by and large the losses go unrecorded. I find it heartbreaking: often when I revisit one of my favourite monuments it has either been overrun by some slum, unsympathetically restored by the asi or, more usually, simply demolished. Ninety-nine per cent of the delicate havelis or Mughal courtyard houses of Old Delhi have been  destroyed, and like the city walls, disappeared into memory. According to historian Pavan Verma, the majority of the buildings he recorded in his book Mansions at Dusk only 10 years ago no longer exist. Perhaps there is also a cultural factor here in the neglect of the past: as one conservationist told me recently: â€Å"You must understand,† he said, â€Å"that we Hindus burn our dead.† Either way, the loss of Delhi’s past is irreplaceable; and future generations will inevitably look back at the conservation failures of the early 21st century with a deep sadness.’ Rising, Falling Rising, Falling As we enter the 150th anniversary of 1857, William Dalrymple casts a new look at one of Indian history’s most enigmatic episodes, and its aftermath WILLIAM DALRYMPLE In June 1858, the Times correspondent William Howard Russella man now famous as the father of war journalismarrived in the ruins of Delhi, recently recaptured by the British from the rebels after one of the bloodiest sieges in Indian history. Skeletons still littered the streets, and the domes and minars of the city were riddled with shell holes; but the walls of the Red Fort, the great palace of the Mughals, still looked magnificent: â€Å"I have seldom seen a nobler mural aspect,† wrote Russell in his diary, â€Å"and the great space of bright red walls put me in mind of (the) finest part of Windsor Castle.† Russell’s ultimate destination was, however, rather less imposing. 0 MultiQuote Reply #87 Mudy Advanced Member Group: Administrators Posts: 19,601 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 27 June 2006 – 09:33 PM QUOTE Title A HISTORY OF THE SEPOY WAR IN INDIA 1857-1858. (VOL II) Author1 JOHN WILLIAM KAYE Author2 ` Subject HISTORY Language English Barcode 2020050020626 Year 1927 Online book are available on this site. They have excellent collection of books. 0 MultiQuote Reply #88 acharya Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 6,411 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 15 July 2006 – 08:15 AM Chauhan sees a major flaw in textbook Staff Correspondent Referring 1857 War of Independence as mutiny a big mistake, Chief Minister tells Manmohan Singh BHOPAL: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has brought to the notice of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that the social science textbook  for Class X prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) refers to the 1857 War of Independence as mutiny and said that this flaw should be rectified immediately. According to information received here, Mr. Chauhan raised the issue at a meeting called by the Prime Minister at his residence in New Delhi on Thursday to chalk out the plan for the 150th anniversary celebrations of the 1857 War of Independence. The meeting was attended by members of the Union Cabinet, senior members of political parties, Chief Ministers, Governors, historians and intellectuals. Drawing attention to the â€Å"fact† that it was Veer Sawarkar who had called it the First War of Independence, the Chief Minister regretted that the CBSE syllabus continues to describe the 1857 War of Independence as mutiny. The Chief Minister urged the Prime Minister to have this flaw corrected and requested that a stipend be sanctioned for the descendants of those who had fought the 1857 War. He asserted that textbooks should be used effectively to impart knowledge about the struggle for Independence. This he emphasised by recounting the sacrifice of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, Rani Avantibai of Ramgarh, Raja Bhaktbali of Shahgarh, Raja Shankar Shah of Jabalpur and Raghunath Shah in the 1857 War of Independence. He said his government had declared awards in memory of Shankar Shah and Raghunath Shah — two heroes of the 1857 War of Independence from Madhya Pradesh. A proposal to increase the pension of freedom fighters is under consideration in the State. Mr. Chauhan said many functions were being organised in the State to celebrate the centenary of Chandra Shekhar Azad. He also informed that every month, on the first working day, Vande Mataram is sung by the Chief Minister, Ministers and all State Government employees. The word â€Å"mataram† gets repeated four times in the Bangladesh national anthem but nobody in that country objects to it whereas the pseudo-secular elements in this country try to create unnecessary confusion about Vande-Mataram, he said. 0 MultiQuote Reply #89 Group: Guests Posted 15 July 2006 – 09:20 AM If I am right – – Mangal Pandey triggers the war in March, 1857 in Barrakpur Cantt near Kolkata. – Uprising began in Meerut on May 10, 1857. I would like to know about two things: – What went on between March and May of 1857. – What triggered the events at Meerut. I also would ike to know some more facts about Oudh (Awadh) Annexation. Awadh was not a total region controlled by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah from Lucknow. In the interiors of Oudh there were independent Hindu princes and independants as well. While Wajid Ali Shah was based in Lucknow (and Faizabad), there were Hidu princes in interiors like Gonda, Balrampur, Tulsipur, Naugarh, Manikapur and various other smaler areas on the borders of Nepal and today’s Uttar Pradesh. Having once lived in that region of UP I had heard some folklores which talked about some of these princes and even one queen having led their people into fighting bravely with British forces. Some other stories are about very active support from Nepal’s kingdm. I also heard stories of bravery of Begum Hazrat Mahal of Lucknow having led the resistance. Though I have not learnt what does â€Å"official† history say†¦anyone knows? Also king of Banaras and people of some towns in Bihar gave stiff resistance to British, which is not well registered? Regards 0 MultiQuote Reply #90 Mudy Advanced Member Group: Administrators Posts: 19,601 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 15 July 2006 – 10:33 AM QUOTE – What went on between March and May of 1857. – What triggered the events at Meerut. here is link- Link Read first page. 0 MultiQuote Reply #91 Group: Guests Posted 06 August 2006 – 01:38 AM QUOTE(pulikeshi @ Jul 11 2004, 10:45 AM) Interesting thread†¦ but should’nt we change the name or the thread to say something like: â€Å"Indian war for independence – 1857†. I think it is to fall victim of British propaganda to call 1857 as ‘Indian war of Independence’. If the warring parties would have won against the British, individual rulers would have got their own lands, there was no ‘independence of india’ at stake in 1857. this tag was given to nail in the fact that indians historically lack unity. when ever we talk of unity in present day India, inveriably 1857 war is brought up as an example of Indians historic lack of unity. that is most ridiculous. war of 1857 had nothing to do with Indian unity. simply because there was no notion of India. It was war of ‘moghal allies’ against ‘britis allies’. the major strength of british army was due to Sikhs and Gorkhas. which were at that time british allies, but in history they are seen as british subordinates. Sikhs had much greater scorn for moghals then for british, to support them in the 1857 war. British allies had no way to know at that time, that british would enslave whole of india and their own allies for 200 years. for them the atrocities of the Muslims were known. the British seemed to be a better choice. 0 MultiQuote Reply #92 ramana Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 3,265 Joined: 03-October 03 Posted 08 August 2006 – 08:56 PM x-posted Book review In Pioneer, 8 August 2006 QUOTE Rising for a lesser cause If one believes the account of Field Marshal Lord Roberts, the revolt of 1857 was nothing more than the last and desperate attempt by Muslims to reimpose their superiority over Indian politics, write Prafull Goradia and KR Phanda An Eye Witness Account of The Indian Mutiny, Field Marshall Lord Roberts of Kandahar; Mittal Publications, $60 This book, An Eye Witness Account of the Indian Mutiny, by Field Marshal Lord Frederick Roberts of Kandahar needs to be read for more than one reason. First, it proves that the 1857 uprising was a sepoy mutiny. Second, it was the last attempt by Muslims to recover their own rule from the British. The epicentre of the mutiny was the erstwhile kingdom of Oudh. The role of the Hindu princes was only peripheral. Third, the decision of the Government of India to celebrate now the Mutiny as the First War of Independence would amount to heaping insult on the sacrifices made by the Rajputs, the Marathas, the Jats and the Sikhs to throw out the Muslim invaders from India. Between Lord Roberts and his father Major General Sir Abraham Roberts, they had spent almost 90 years in India. Frederick was in India from 1852 to 1893. He participated in quelling the mutiny at several places including Delhi. In his own words: â€Å"The first threatening of coming trouble were heard in the early part of 1857. During the months of February, March and April rumours reached us at Peshwar of mysterious chapattis (unleavened cakes) being sent about the country with the object, it was alleged, of preparing the natives for some forthcoming event. We heard that the 19th Native Infantry at Berhampore, a military station about 100 miles from Calcutta, had broken open the bells-of-arms†¦ that a sepoy named Mangal Pandey at Barrackpore had wounded the Adjutant and Sergant Major of his regiment; and that Sepoys at the Schools of Musketry had objected to use the cartridges served out with new rifles† (p-34). As the news spread, the native regiments based in Peshwar, Naushera, Umbala, Mian Mir (Lahore), Multan, Ferozpore and other places were disarmed. The happenings at Meerut triggered the revolt elsewhere; and, it is from there that the sepoys marched to Delhi and declared Bahadur Shah as badshah. Soon, thereafter, some 85 soldiers refused to receive the rifle cartridges on the suspicion that these were greased with lard and cow fat. On enquiry, they  were found guilty and punished severely. In retaliation, the British officers, their wives and children and every European on the outskirts of the Meerut Cantonment were massacred. Meanwhile, Delhi fell into Muslim hands. It took three months before General Wilson established his headquarters at the Red Fort. â€Å"Every eye,† Lord Canning wrote, â€Å"is upon Oudh as it was on Delhi.† The Gurkhas and the Sikhs helped in the recapture of the Imambara in Lucknow. The city was recaptured on March 14, 1858. But for the sagacity of diplomacy and the cleverness of strategy, the British would not have been able to recapture north-west India. They received cooperation from the Amir of Afghanistan, the Sikhs and the Gurkhas of Nepal. Commissioner of Lahore Division Sir John Lawrence had strongly advocated the policy of trusting the Maharaja of Patiala and the Rajas of Jind and Nabha. Douglas Forsyth, the Deputy Commissioner of Ambala, met the Maharaja and addressed him thus: â€Å"Maharaja Sahib answer me one question: Are you for us or against us?† The Maharaja’s reply was: â€Å"As long as I live, I am yours.† To the question what brought about the cataclysm, Roberts says: â€Å"The causes which brought about the mutiny were so various and some of them of such long standing, that it is difficult to point them out as concisely as I could wish. Mahommedans looked back to the days of their empire in India but failed to remember how completely. Their maulvis taught them it was only lawful for true Mussalmans to submit to the rule of an infidel if there was no possibility of successful revolt, and they watched for the chance of again being able to make Islam supreme. The late Sir George Campbell says that the mutiny was a sepoy revolt, not a Hindu rebellion† (p-231-24). The annexation of Oudh by the British was considered unjust by Muslims. Their other grievance was the treatment meted out to Bahadur Shah, the last Mughal emperor. In this context, it needs to be pointed out that when Lord Lake captured Delhi in 1803, it was made clear to him that his place of residence would be shifted out of the Red Fort; and his successors would not be called badshah. Thus, the Muslims were aggrieved on several counts and the Meerut  mutineers marched to Delhi and proclaimed him as the badshah of India. Indian historical episodes have seldom been looked upon from the Hindu, as distinct from the Muslim, view point. Most of the time studies have been as if the communities were incidental and they were actually one people with a common heritage. If anything, it is the British who did not hesitate to make distinction. For example, Roberts quotes Sir John Campbell summing up that the mutiny was not a Hindu rebellion. On the other hand, the author himself has highlighted that other than the sepoys, the two great political causes were Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah and the Nawab of Oudh, both Muslim and both perceived to have been deprived of their hereditary thrones. Although it was not the soldier’s business to analyse politics, a professional historian should not miss the point that the primary losers at the hands of the British were Muslims and not Hindus. Most of north India, except Rajasthan, was ruled by a badshah or a nawab who, in turn, had gifted large tracts of lands to his allies and satellites who were also mostly Muslim. The Hindu, on the other hand, had benefited from the advent of the East India Company, which demonstrated since the Battle of Plassey, 1757, that it had the military capability to defeat nawabs. True, the sepoys must have had their grievances such as the new Enfield cartridges, but the substantive economic interests that were lost had belonged to Muslims. Due to the permanent land settlement of Lord Cornwallis, most of the zamindaris that were auctioned were taken up by Hindus, although earlier most of the land had been the jagirs of Muslims. The book is, in any case, a ready diary on he basis of which those decades of Indian history can be interpreted by students of history. It is in this context that W.W. Hunter’s book on the â€Å"Indian Mussalman† and Edmund Blunt’s book and the Pakistan project have to be understood. 0 MultiQuote Reply #93 Group: Guests Posted 09 August 2006 – 03:32 AM QUOTE(ramana @ Aug 8 2006, 08:48 PM) Indian historical episodes have seldom been looked upon from the Hindu, as distinct from the Muslim, view point. Most of the time studies have been as if the communities were incidental and they were actually one people with a common heritage. If anything, it is the British who did not hesitate to make distinction. For example, Roberts quotes Sir John Campbell summing up that the mutiny was not a Hindu rebellion. On the other hand, the author himself has highlighted that other than the sepoys, the two great political causes were Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah and the Nawab of Oudh, both Muslim and both perceived to have been deprived of their hereditary thrones. Bravo my friend. for years we hindus have suffered in guilt and incapabiity of mughals. it is very nessasary that indian history be seen separatly through hindu point of view. Hindus’ weekness is not the lack of unity but readiness to befriend unworthy foes. This is virtue while dealing among hindus, it is a weekness when dealing with other cultures. 0 MultiQuote Reply #94 ramana Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 3,265 Joined: 03-October 03 Posted 10 August 2006 – 02:30 AM BTW, The above is a quote from a book review and not my ideas. While at it if one studies the colonial period by confining to geographical India only then it doesnt make sense. The key to understand it is that it is a chronicle of British Imperialism and the rest(French, Dutch, Danes(Tranquebar) etc) followed to keep pace in Europe or else they would become beggars. Ever wonder where the Russian colonies were? Central Asia!!! What about the Swedes? None they were Johnny come latelies and the French already took them over by then. 0 MultiQuote Reply #95 ramana Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 3,265 Joined: 03-October 03 Posted 14 August 2006 – 12:47 AM Deccan Chronicle, 13 August 2006 QUOTE 1857 Ghadar & Madan Lal Itihaas: By Akhilesh Mithal How significant 1857 was for the Indians and the British in pre-independence India can be judged from the following facts. May 10, the anniversary of the Uprising, saw all adult British males carrying personal arms and forts were kept ready as the rallying point for British women and children in case of necessity. Half a century ago, in this very week, we bravely defended our empire.The Daily Telegraph of May 7, 1907 stated. The Indian perception was just as clear. At the beginning of May 1909, a circular invited Indian students to a meeting in the India House to observe the 51st anniversary of the Ghadar on May 10, which, propitiously, was also a Sunday as had been May 10 in 1857. The circular, titled Bande Mataram stated: To commemorate the Indian National Rising of 1857, a meeting of Indians in England will be held at India House on sunday 10th may 1908, at 4 pm precisely. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend. The purpose of the meeting, printed at the back of the notice, was stated as being one of holding up to admiration, martyrs and the principal leaders of the rebellion including Nana Saheb. According to the folklore of the Indian Freedom Struggle, the founder of the India House in London, Shyamaji Krishna Verma had met Nana Saheb in his hideout in the Nepat Terai, thus forging a link between 1857 and the nascent freedom movement of India. Thus readers can see for themselves that for freedom fighters of the 19th century and also for the British the 1857 uprising was something of abiding significance. For Indians, it gave something to look back upon for inspiration while for the British, it was something to fill the mind with alarm fear and trepidation.The story of an Indian living in England in 1909 will illustrate the tension between Indians and the British. Madan Lal Dhingra was the son of a prominent medical practitioner of Punjab. His elder brother had been called to the Bar and was practising law in Lahore. Madan Lal was drawn to the freedom struggle by exposure to firebrands like Har Dayal. He appeared in class at the University College wearing a badge inscribed with names of the martyrs and leaders of 1857 supplied by the organisers of the May 10, 1909 meeting. In the class, he was ordered to remove the badge, to which he refused. This led to him being ragged by the British students and Madan Lal was so incensed by the leader of the raggers that he offered to cut his throat. When news of this incident reached home, his father requested Curzon Wylie, an official appointed for counselling Indian students and keeping an eye on them, to help recover Madan Lal to the cause of loyalty to the Empire. Curzon Wylie had retired from the Indian Army to become political A.D.C. to the Secretary of State for India in 1901. Madan Lal was infuriated and wrote home to say that he deplored an attitude which asked Anglo-Indians like Curzon Wylie to interfere in what were essentially Indias private affairs. Madan Lal bought a Colt revolver and also a Belgian weapon and started  practising shooting at a private range. The National Indian Association had its annual general meeting on July 1, 1909. After dining at the Savoy, Curzon Wylie proceeded to the Associations At Home in Jahangir Hall of the Imperial institute. When the programme concluded, Wylie was seen descending from the staircase. Madan Lal engaged him in conversation and, then, suddenly, pulled out the revolver and fired five shots into his face at point blank range. As Wylie fell down, a Parsi, Cowas Lalkaka tried to shield the victim. The sixth bullet killed him. When overpowered by the crowd Madan Lal tried to shoot himself but there were no more bullets left. In his statement, Madan Lal said, I am a patriot working for the emancipation of the motherland from the foreign yoke. I object to the term murderer to me because I am fully justified in what I have done. The English would have done the same thing had the Germans been in occupation of England. Madan Lal was tried and sentenced to death. He was hanged on August 17, 1909. Thus the link between the Ghadar of 1857 and the freedom movement of the 19th century was clear in the mind of many who took part and risked their all for the freedom of their beloved motherland. This shows link between 1857 and the revolutionary part of the Indian freedom struggle. I think through Tilak and Gandhi the link to the tradtional freedom movement has to be documented so that it clears any persistent cobwebs in the minds. 0 MultiQuote Reply #96 Group: Guests Posted 14 August 2006 – 01:33 AM QUOTE(ramana @ Aug 14 2006, 12:39 AM) I think through Tilak and Gandhi the link to the tradtional freedom movement has to be documented so that it clears any persistent cobwebs in the minds. There cannot be any doubt that the failed 1857 revolt had nothing to do with indian independence. it was only later on when the british crimes became worst than the memories of the mughal crimes that 1857 revolt was seen as inspiring event for indian freedom fighters. 0 MultiQuote Reply #97 Bharatvarsh Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 2,397 Joined: 13-April 05 Posted 14 August 2006 – 11:36 PM QUOTE the indian war of independence 1857 vinayak damodar savarkor†¦e=2020050057563 I have to agree with jayashastri, the 1857 rebellion was by no means a war for independence, obviously when Savarkar wrote this he was in his younger days of militant nationalism and wanted these events to serve as an inspiration for future freedom fighters (and they did so) but back then he wasn’t so aware of Islam either and thought that Hindus and Muslims could forge a common bond (which was rejected by him later on if we take his later day speeches and writings as evidence), the 1857 rebellion had a lot of vested interests (jihadis) that had no other motive than to establish Mughal empire again and there were even Hindu-Muslim riots in places where the rebellion succeeded so it can’t really be described as a movement for independence but it served as a catalyst for the beginnings of Indian nationalism and doubtless there were many noble souls who were genuine freedom fighters (they may not have had the conception of a Pan Indian nationhood yet) but they may have fou ght for local independence from the British. Sita Ram Goel also does not consider it as a movement for independence, here are his comments regarding 1857: QUOTE This jihd which was joined by Hindu rebellions on the fringes was named as The Indian War of Independence, 1857 (London, 1909) by V.D. Savarkar. He had yet to learn the history of Islam in India. It is significant that secularists and Muslim who hate Savarkar, hail the book as well as its name. http://www.voiceofdh†¦/tfst/appi1.htm 0 MultiQuote Reply #98 Hauma Hamiddha Advanced Member Group: Moderators Posts: 816 Joined: 13-August 03 Posted 15 August 2006 – 05:35 AM QUOTE There cannot be any doubt that the failed 1857 revolt had nothing to do with indian independence. I believe this is simply too extreme a characterization. It was definitely a widespread movement expressedly aimed at driving out the White man from India. However, in India then as now the heathen interests where not strongly aligned, and then there were the Musalmans. -The Hindus across a wide swath of society from backward classes to the brahmins fought in this war. -Many saw the danger possed by Christianity in damaging the Hindu ethos, however many of the Hindu elite were in the fight due to their personal situation. Many like Nana, Rani Lakshmibai etc led the revolt because of personal interests. Nevertheless others like Tatya Tope, Kunwar Singh were fired by Hindu nationalism. Nevertheless, I agree that the Hindus foolishly thought they could make a common cause with the Islamic elite that had independently called Jihad because Christianity and the British overbearance were intruding into their religious as well as personal sphere. Thus Nana sent a letter calling for the Moslem Jihad to make common cause with the Hindu struggle. It is not some miracle that he succeeded, but merely that the two happened to align due to a common enemy. This did not happen earlier in the Karnatic where Tipu Sultan and Hyder with very ambiguous attitudes towards the Hindus were not aligned in their interest with the Hindu elite. Tipu saw the Maharattas as much or more an Enemy than Christian White men. All said, we must keep in mind the following: 1) Prior to 1857 and immediately after it there were a string of anti-British rebellions throughout the country. The Balwant Phadke rebellion, the Vellore rebellion, the tribal revolt, the Velu Thampi rebellion are all examples. 1857 was merely one of the largest of those. In these rebellions there was disconnect in the firing between the North and South of India. South fired before North and each was quiet when the other was firing. South was no very well-knit in terms of Hindu military leadership so it lacked the coordination seen in the North mainly directed by Maharatta leaders was lacking. In light of this the BJP idea of celebrating 1857 in common with the TSPians and BDs is ridiculous. 0 MultiQuote Reply #99 mitradena Advanced Member Group: Senior Members Posts: 258 Joined: 22-November 03 Posted 15 August 2006 – 10:19 AM Hauma, What is your opinion about Mangal Pandey’s role in this? Was he fired by Hindu nationalism or just an emotional guy reacting to an insult (Beef laced cartridges)? 0 MultiQuote Reply #100 Group: Guests Posted 15 August 2006 – 06:04 PM QUOTE(Hauma Hamiddha @ Aug 15 2006, 05:27 AM) QUOTE There cannot be any doubt that the failed 1857 revolt had nothing to do with indian independence. I believe this is simply too extreme a characterization. No. I think it is very simple and obvious point. Those who were fighting the revolt were not fighting for Indian independence. The 1857 revolt and the ‘(gandhian) fight for Indian independence’ were fought for 2 totally different objectives. and thus could not be considered as one being the precursor to another. yes inspirations were drawn from individual valor of the 1857 revolt, simply because the enemy was the same, not because the cause was the same. The danger of believing so will lead us to false conclusions that Indians were not united in 1857 but became united later. The unity, of mainly Hindu kings, should not come into question because there was no call for their unity. No one single obvious cause under which they needed to unite, other than Hinduism. and Hindus unlike other religions are taught to act according to their own Dharma/role/job. where the dharma of Hindus who were Brits allies was to stay loyal to their words the Dharma of those fighting against Brits was to fight for injustice done to their people. It is only in Islam and then later in Christianity (during crusades, only 1000 year after conception of christianity) that there exist a clause  to fight in the name of religion. This in fact is main cause why there is so much, unending Islamic terrorism. According to Muslim scriptures it is paramount that every Muslim take on himself for fight for the injustice don’t to other Muslims. it does not matter if the other Muslims was right or wrong, as long as he is threatened by a non Muslim he must be supported. 0